The Solent Forum

Working in partnership for the future


Issues to Address

The North Solent Shoreline Management Plan (SMP), which is the high level policy document setting out the future management of the coastline, has a Hold the Line (HTL) policy for the coast where Langstone village is situated. However a policy of HTL does not mean that public funding is secured or guaranteed.  Portchester Castle to Emsworth draft coastal flood and erosion risk management strategy, which defines how to deliver the high level policies in the SMP for smaller local areas, has the following recommendation for the Langstone coastline:

“The defences around Langstone could be improved by raising the crest height or by using demountable defences. It is recognised that securing central government funding will be difficult and existing defences should be maintained where possible. We encourage homeowners to continue to be prepared and to take action to protect their properties from flooding whilst funds for improvement works are sought”.

Community Liaison and Events


Key Lesson Learnt

Taking the Project Forward

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