The Solent Forum

Working in partnership for the future

Coastal Funding Opportunities

Hayling Island
Hayling Island © Wez Smith
Hayling Island © Wez Smith

As part of its member service, the Solent Forum also publicises coastal funding opportunities via this webpage, our Twitter account (@solent_forum) and our monthly enews. 

Solent Forum Funding

Government Funding 

Government funding directory, June 2024.

Maritime and Fisheries Fund (MFF)

Fisheries and Seafood Scheme

Environment Agency Funding

Please see this presentation for more details and contact the Environment Agency direct if you would like more information on how to apply.

Other Funding Sources

Championing Coastal Coordination

The Championing Coastal Coordination (3Cs) initiative is a programme of work that is being led by the Environment Agency with support from Natural England, the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) and the Association of Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities (IFCAs). It is a collaboration seeking to enhance and progress coordination for coastal sustainability and resilience in England. This is in recognition of the major challenges that we face in our coastal and estuarine environments. The coast consists of many highly interconnected landscapes and seascapes, with a diverse mix of ownership and governance arrangements. The management of coastal issues poses a set of complex challenges unlike those inland. The number and diversity of public and private sector interests is often highest at the coast, with a proportionate increase in the complexity of planning and management in this highly contested space.

Following successful completion of the 3Cs pilot phase, additional multi-year funding has been secured. Access to this funding will be through a competitive selection process. Funding will be allocated in three phases as follows:

Useful Resources