Joining the Solent Forum
Membership of the Solent Forum
There are two types of core Solent Forum membership; ordinary members and steering group members. Membership benefits are available to view on our benefits page along with our membership brochure. A list of existing members is available via our members directory. Please email the Forum Office for membership subscription fees. Please refer to our about page for more general information on the Forum.
Ordinary Members
- Represent an organisation with a strategic interest in the Solent such as local government, harbour authorities, industry and NGOs. The Forum is not open to individuals, local residents associations or issue-specific lobby groups.
- Have an interest in the management and planning of the Solent or one of the Solent’s harbours or estuaries.
- Should be willing to nominate a representative who can attend the bi-annual Forum meetings and provide input to the Forum’s project work.
Steering Group Members
- Represent an organisation with a strategic interest in the Solent such as local government, harbour authorities, industry and NGOs.
- Have an involvement in the management and planning of the Solent or one of the Solent’s harbours or estuaries.
- Should be willing to nominate a representative who can attend Steering Group meetings to provide input into the core work programme and direction of the Forum as well as attend the bi-annual Forum and input to the Forum’s project work.
Membership of Sub Groups
The Solent Forum provides the Secretariat for the Solent Marine Sites (SEMS) Management Group and the Natural Environment Group (NEG).
- The SEMS Management Group is only open to Relevant Authorities and members are automatically opted into NEG.
- Organisations with a specific interest in environmental issues in the Solent are welcome to join NEG for an additional fee, please contact the Forum Office for details.
- Forum members are also invited to attend specific task and finish groups on a wide range of issues on an ad hoc basis.
Expression of Interest Form
Please fill in our expression of interest form if you would like to enquire about joining the Forum.