The Solent Forum

Working in partnership for the future
Solent News 54

Solent News

The Solent Forum publishes a free bi-annual newsletter called Solent News. This reviews all the coastal news that has happened in the Solent over the last six months. It is produced as summer and winter editions and is distributed to the Solent's coastal community. To be placed on the mailing list please contact the Solent Forum Office.

We welcome articles on coastal matters for inclusion or any coastal news from the last six months.  Articles should be a maximum of 300 words and preferably be illustrated with an image. Please submit articles to the Solent Forum Office at Solent Forum Office.  Previous issues can be viewed below. The deadline for submissions for the next issue is Friday 20th December 2024.

Please remember that Solent Forum members can also use the Forum's monthly monthly enews service to publicise news, events, consultations or job opportunities.  Send all details to Solent Forum Office.

Submission Guidelines

We only include articles in Solent News that adhere to the Solent Forum's position of being a neutral and independent information sharing body in addition to the activities we undertake. The Solent Forum steering group has always been clear that the Forum should be a place for information rather than having potentially conflicting views and this is important in keeping us impartial in how we respond to consultations. Consequently, as a matter of principle, we don't publish articles where individual Solent Forum members are responding to local consultations, planning or marine licence applications, or are campaigning or lobbying about specific issues. We also do not include opinion pieces.

Latest Issue

Issue 56 is now available (summer 2024)

Solent News was first published in December 1997. Below are links to the latest copies (pdf files). If you would like to view back issues then please contact the Solent Forum Office.