The Solent Forum

Working in partnership for the future

Solent Biosecurity Planning

The Solent Forum and partners are developing these webpages to help people working and living in the Solent to find out more about marine invasive species, what they look like and how to prevent and manage them using biosecurity measures. Having measures in place is good practice to protect the natural environment of the Solent, reduce biofouling costs and maintenance for local businesses, fulfil statutory environmental duties and assist with licence and consent applications.

We have focused on three areas in the Solent and for each area we have produced a biosecurity action plan along with Solent specific marine invasive species information, and a range of pathway specific resources. Workshops were held for each of the three areas in 2023 to get the experience and input of those working in pathways that could lead to marine invasive spread.

What are marine invasive species?

Invasive species are those that have been transported outside their natural range and damage our environment, the economy, our health and the way we live. Once established marine invasive species are extremely difficult to eradicate, control and manage. Shipping, ferries and recreational boating are known ways that species travel between areas and the Solent has high volumes of these activities. The risk of successful establishment is also increased by the presence of artificial structures, a factor that is highly relevant to certain areas of the Solent that have been developed.

Marine invasive species pose a threat to the Solent’s native biodiversity and recreation and fishery industries, especially shellfisheries, due to their potential to threaten native species, habitats or whole ecosystems. They also interfere with the operation of man-made structures and business interests through increased maintenance and cleaning of vessels and infrastructure. 

What is biosecurity planning? 

Biosecurity planning is developing a set of measures that aim to prevent the introduction and spread of marine invasive species. Our biosecurity resources are based on pathways identified by Solent stakeholders.

How people living and working in the Solent can be involved

Please use the resources on these webapges to learn about and raise awareness of marine invasive species in the Solent and see if you can start to implement some of the simple actions set out in the biosecurity plans. Please download and use our media pack to help publicise this work throughout your organisation and area.

The Solent Forum will act as the INNS Local Action Group to collate and share information across the Solent.