Solent Forum Members
Hurst Spit
Forum members are professional bodies such as local government, harbour authorities, industry, user groups, trade associations and NGOs. The Forum is not open to individuals, local residents associations or issue specific lobby groups.
Download the Solent Forum brochure which shows the benefits of membership.
We would welcome new Solent Forum members representing organisations interested in the Solent and have an easy procedure of passing membership request for approval by the Steering Group. If you would like to enquire about joining, fil in our expression of interest form.
- Up to date information on coastal management issues;
- Twice yearly Solent News, the newsletter of the Forum and subscription to our monthly enews;
- Free attendance at the biannual Solent Forum meetings;
- An increased awareness and understanding of the Solent's management issues and priorities;
- Use of Solent Forum network as a direct line of communication between authorities, organisations and user groups;
- Opportunity to undertake work in partnership;
- Legacy support for externally funded projects;
- Help with workshop hosting and facilitating.
As a long established and recognised coastal partnership with a neutral status the Solent Forum is well placed to provide a platform for cross-sectoral communication and to facilitate partnership working. Our stakeholder database contains more than 1,000 people with an interest in our coastal zone made up of a wide variety of organisations and as such can reach the stakeholders who you are wishing to engage.
- communicate to a wide range of stakeholders
- raise awareness of coastal issues in a neutral environment
- provide a co-ordination mechanism for research
- play a role in conflict resolution among stakeholders due to our unbiased approach
- provide a unique focal point for information exchange across sectors
- bring together data and research to aid policy making and management decisions
- pilot demonstration projects
- raise local and regional needs with national policy makers
- influence the implementation of legislation and policy in the local area.
- The organisation should have an interest in the management and planning of the Solent or one of the Solent's harbours or estuaries.
- The organisation should be willing to nominate a representative who can attend the bi-annual Forum meetings and provide input to the Forum's projects.
If the membership criteria does not apply to you or your organisation you should use the most appropriate Forum member to raise your concern or suggest a topic for discussion. On occasion, at the discretion of the Chairman, non Forum members may attend meetings.