The Solent Forum

Working in partnership for the future

Record Detail

TitleSIFCA Research and Evidence Plan
Year of Completion
AbstractSouthern IFCA has developed an Evidence Team to facilitate the delivery of its duties to protect the marine environment and further conservation objectives of protected areas. This Research and Evidence Plan aims to set out the future priorities for the Southern IFCA and the ways in which work will be carried out to fulfil the Authorities duties in conserving the marine environment and developing sustainable fisheries. The plan has been divided into three themes outlining work relating to Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), furthering conservation objectives for EMS and Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs); work to ensure Sustainable Fisheries through the review of all IFCA legacy byelaws and the development of harvest control rules; and how the IFCA will facilitate Access to Information and the Development of Evidence through partnership working and standard operating and reporting procedures.
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data holderSouthern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority