The Solent Forum

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Record Detail

TitleCoastal Flooding in the Solent: An Integrated Analysis of Defences and Inundation
AuthorUniversity of Southampton
TopicFlood and Coastal Risk Erosion Management
Year of CompletionComplete 2012.
StatusComplete 2012.
AbstractThis paper demonstrates a methodology for integrating existing models for the rapid simulation of coastal flood events across a large and varied case study area on the UK south coast. Following validation against observations from real coastal floods, synthetic events driven by realistic waves and water levels and the full range of failure mechanisms were modelled for a range of loadings to generate peak flood water depths and an overview of impacts across this spectrum of possible floods. Overtopping is relatively important compared to breaching as coastal floodplains are small. This modelling system supports multiple potential applications, such as planning flood warnings, coastal defence upgrade, and land use, including under sea-level rise. The concepts drawn from this study are transferable to similar coastal regions.
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data holderUniversity of Southampton