Results (no search terms).
Region |
Title |
Datacentre Holder |
Completed |
Portsmouth | Virtual Portsmouth | | 2001 |
UK | Fisheries Impacts on Marine Protected Habitats – A Review of the Evidence (NEER023) | | Published 2023. |
SCOPAC region | SCOPAC Sediment Transport Study | | Last updated 2012 |
Other | Bait Collectors in Poole Harbour | | |
Hamble Estuary | Small scale saltmarsh restoration trial at Lands’ End, Old Bursledon, River Hamble | | 2023 |
Southeast | Review of south coast beach response to in the winter of 2013-2014 | | Complete April 2014. |
Other | BlueHealth | | Published 2020. |
UK | Ecostructure: eco-engineering and biosecurity solutions for coastal and marine structures | | Published 2022. |
Solent | European Site Conservation Objectives for Solent & Southampton Water SPA (UK9011061) | | Published 2014. |
Solent | Final Straw Solent | | Ongoing. |
UK | All Parliamentary Party Group on Coastal Communities | | Ongoing |
UK | Lloyd's Register Centre's Library catalogue Ship Plan and Survey Report collection | | Ongoing |
UK | Understanding the Processes and Mechanisms for Community Lead Adaptation Planning | | Completed 2010. |
West Sussex | Conservation and Land use change in West Sussex 1971-1991 | | 1998 |
UK | European Marine Site Risk Review - NERR-038 | | Completed 2010. |
SCOPAC region | SCOPAC Sediment Transport Study | | Last update 2012 |
Chichester Harbour | Condition review of Chichester Harbour sites: intertidal, subtidal and bird features
| | Published 2021. |
UK | Offshore Wind Evidence and Knowledge Hub | | |
UK | The Seabin Project | | Ongoing online resource. |
UK | Increasing the Resilience of the UK’s Special Protection Areas to Climate Change (NECR202) | | Completed 2016. |
England | Natural Capital Indicators: for defining and measuring change in natural capital (NERR076) | | Published 2018. |
UK | The International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM Convention) | | September 2017. |
Solent | Solent Maritime Special Area of Conservation: marine conservation advice (UK0030059) | | 2016. |
Solent | Protected broodstock cages attached to existing floating structures as a viable source of larvae to contribute to the re-population of the Native Oyster, Ostrea edulis, in the Solent, UK | | Completed 2016. |
Isle of Wight | Isle of Wight Marine Bibliography | | 1994 |
Solent | Effects of commercial bait digging | | Unknown |
Solent | Solent Nutrient Market Pilot | | |
UK | Natural England's climate change risk assessment and adaptation plan (NE318) | | Complete 2012. |
UK | The future of seaside towns | | Published 2019. |
UK | Is 'minimising the footprint' an effective intervention to maximise the recovery of intertidal sediments from disturbance? | | This record was published on 01 March 2013. |
England | Marine Condition Assessments Poster | | 2017. |
Portsmouth Harbour | Portsmouth Harbour Shipping Movements | | Ongoing online resource. |
UK | Roadmap for the Decarbonisation of
the European Recreational Marine
Craft Sector | | Published 2021. |
UK | Safer Seas Service | | Ongoing online resource. |
Southeast | Channel Coastal Observatory Datsets | | |
Portsmouth Harbour | Portsmouth Harbour Special Protection Area: marine conservation advice (UK9011051) | | Published 2015. |
UK | Outdoor Recreation Valuation tool (ORVal) | | Published 2022. |
UK | Native Oyster Network | | |
Solent | Intertidal Seagrass Restoration in the Solent: First steps with the dwarf seagrass Zostera noltei. | | Published 2024. |
SCOPAC region | SCOPAC Research – current and ongoing | | Ongoing |
UK | An Introduction to Nurdles and Bio Beads | | Published 2020. |
Solent | Solent Nutrient Trading Pilot Project: DEFRA, Natural England and Partnership for South Hampshire | | Ongoing |
UK | Information for coastal communities | | |
UK | Information and guidance on Freeports operating within England | | Ongoing |
UK | Air Pollution Information System (APIS) | | Ongoing online resource. |
UK | Information for coastal communities | | |
UK | Functional linkage: How areas that are functionally linked to European sites have been considered when they may be affected by plans and projects - a review of authoritative decisions (NECR207) | | Published in 2016. |
UK | Chief Medical Officer’s Annual Report 2021: Health in Coastal Communities | | Published 2021. |
Chichester Harbour | The environment impact of baitdigging. | | 1999 |
England | Natural England Designated Sites System (DSS) | | Ongoing online resource. |
Chichester Harbour | European Site Conservation Objectives for Chichester and Langstone Harbours SPA (UK9011011) | | |
SCOPAC region | Sediment Transport Study | | 2004 |
Solent | The ecology, conservation and history of the Solent | | 1997 |
Solent | Evaluation of the Extent and Potential Effects of Recurrent Bait Digging and Shell Fisheries Activities on European Marine Sites around the Solent | | 2000 |
UK | Fisheries APPG Policy Briefs | | Published 2000. |
England | Conservation Advice for Marine Protected Areas: guidance and supporting material | | |
England | Conservation Advice for Marine Protected Areas: guidance and supporting material | | Published 2019. |
UK | Sea fisheries: steps to sustainability (NE 193)
| | 2009. |
Medina | Sustainable Use of the Medina Estuary as a Further Development of the Estuary Management Plan | ABP Marine Environmental Research & Consultancy | 2002 |
UK | Socio-economic benefits of marine industries | ABP Marine Environmental Research & Consultancy | Published 2019. |
Lymington | Lymington to Yarmouth Ferries:
Mitigation and Monitoring (2020) | ABP Marine Environmental Research & Consultancy | Published 2020. |
UK | Managing Environmental Impacts of Wet Renewable Devices
| ABP Marine Environmental Research & Consultancy | 2009 |
Southampton Water | Southampton Maintenance Dredge Protocol and Water Framework Directive Compliance Assessment | ABP Marine Environmental Research & Consultancy | 2014 |
UK | Blue Carbon Calculator | ABP Marine Environmental Research & Consultancy | Published 2014. |
Lymington | Lymington Saltmarsh Enhancement and Mitigation
| ABP Marine Environmental Research & Consultancy | Published 2000. |
UK | (Online Marine REgistry) OMReg | ABP Marine Environmental Research & Consultancy | |
Southampton Water | Inter-tidal Recharge Experiment | ABP Marine Environmental Research & Consultancy | 2001 |
Solent | Southampton Maintenance Dredge Protocol and Water
Framework Directive Compliance Baseline Document | ABP Marine Environmental Research & Consultancy | Published 2014. |
Southampton Water | Southampton Port Master Plan (2016 - 2035) | ABP Southampton | Published 2016. |
Southampton Water | Southampton Live Shipping Movements | ABP Southampton | Ongoing online resource. |
Southampton Water | ABP Southampton: Oil Spill Contingency Plan | ABP Southampton | 2021 |
Southampton Water | Southampton High and Low Tide Times | ABP Southampton | Ongoing. |
UK | Climate Change Adaptation Report | ABP Southampton | Published 2016. |
Southampton Water | The yachtsman’s guide to Southampton Water
and it’s approaches | ABP Southampton | Annual document. |
Southampton Water | Marine Leisure Guide | ABP Southampton | Published 2022. |
Southampton | Cleaner Air for Southampton:Improving air quality in our city | ABP Southampton | Published 2018. |
Southampton Water | Southampton Harbour Byelaws | ABP Southampton | Subject to ongoing revision. |
Solent | Solent greywater: with special reference to Bembridge Harbour and the issue of houseboats | Artecology | Published 2021. |
UK | IFCAs Management of Inshore Marine Protected Areas | Association of Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities | Ongoing |
England | IFCAs Management of Inshore Marine Protected Areas | Association of Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities | Ongoing. |
UK | Weather Tide Tables | BBC | Ongoing online resource. |
Solent | Watersports with Wildlife | Bird Aware Solent | Published 2023. |
Solent | Bird Aware Solent | Bird Aware Solent | |
Solent | Countryside Sites Canine Access Areas | Bird Aware Solent | Ongoing. |
UK | Blue Carbon Report | Blue Marine Foundation | Published 2022. |
UK | Restoring our Seascapes | Blue Marine Foundation | Published 2024 |
Solent | Solent Oyster Regeneration Project | Blue Marine Foundation | Ongoing. |
UK | BMAPA Reference Library | BMAPA | Ongoing online resource. |
UK | ‘Strength from the Depths’ – Tenth Annual Sustainable Development Report | BMAPA | February 2017 |
UK | Good Practice Guidance: Extraction by Dredging of Aggregates from England's Seabed | BMAPA | 2017. |
UK | Aggregate dredging and
the coastlines of Dorset,
Hampshire, the Isle of Wight
and Sussex:
a regional perspective of marine sand and gravel off the
coast of central southern England since the Ice Age | BMAPA | Published 2021. |
UK | Marine Aggregate Dreding and the Coastline Guidance Note | BMAPA | Complete 2013. |
England | Stronger Together: The Strategic Plan For British Canoeing 2022-26 | British Canoe Union | Published 2022. |
UK | Industry Trends Survey | British Marine Federation | Produced bi-annually. |
UK | UK Marinas and Berthing
| British Marine Federation | Complete 2013. |
UK | National Watersports Participation Survey | British Marine Federation | Annual report. |
UK | Marine Industry Trends Survey | British Marine Federation | Ongoing. |
UK | The Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS) | British Trust for Ornithology | Ongoing monitoring |
UK | Beneficial use of sediments: Case studies | Central Dredging Association | Ongoing. |
England | Saltmarsh Code | Centre for Ecology and Hydrology | |
UK | Shellfish News | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science | Published May and November. |
UK | Summary of progress towards Good Environmental Status | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science | Published 2019. |
UK | Cefas Fisheries Advice Documents | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science | Online web resource. |
UK | CEFAS Data Hub | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science | Ongoing online resource. |
UK | Investigating Climate Change Resilience of Vulnerable Marine Species around the UK [InCResiVul] - ME5241 | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science | Published 2024. |
UK | Maps of the designated English shellfish waters | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science | Ongoing monitoring |
UK | Dredged Material Disposal Site Monitoring Round the Coast of England: Results of
Sampling (2015-16) | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science | Published 2016. |
England | England and Wales: classification and monitoring of shellfish harvesting areas | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science | Ongoing online resource. |
UK | UK Sea Angling Information Library (UK SAIL) | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science | Published 2023 |
England | The Fisheries Data Archive Centre (FishDAC) | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science | Ongoing online resource. |
UK | Analysis of 50 years of marine data: new insights into life on the seabed and potential for better protection of the marine environment | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science | Published 2017. |
UK | Below the surface: Twenty-five years of seafloor litter monitoring in coastal seas of North West Europe (1992–2017) | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science | Published 2018 |
UK | Sea angling in the UK | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science | Published 2020. |
UK | Marine Assessment tool | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science | Launched 2019. |
Chichester Harbour | Breeding Success of Native Oysters in Chichester Harbour | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science | Complete 2013. |
Southampton Water | Pilot Study on Chemical Water Quality in the Western Solent: Screening for Endocrine Activity | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science | Completed 2011. |
UK | Decision support tools for the identification and management of invasive non-native aquatic species | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science | Online tool kit. |
UK | Marine online assessment tool | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science | Ongoing |
UK | Attitudes towards data collection, management and development, and the impact of management on economic value of sea angling in the UK | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science | Published 2020. |
Southeast | Southeast Regional Coastal Monitoring Programme | Channel Coast Observatory | Ongoing |
Southeast | Real time data charts for waves, tides and met stations. | Channel Coast Observatory | Ongoing resource. |
Southeast | Wave and Tide reports | Channel Coast Observatory | Ongoing online resource. |
UK | National Coastal Monitoring - Coastal Defence Asset Register | Channel Coast Observatory | |
SCOPAC region | Strategic Regional Coastal Monitoring Programme for the Southeast | Channel Coast Observatory | ongoing |
Southeast | Review of south coast beach response to wave conditions in the winter of 2013-2014 | Channel Coast Observatory | Complete April 2014. |
UK | Biodiversity Net Gain: Good practice principles for development | Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management | Published 2016. |
West Sussex | 2022 Cefas paper Janickina feisti | Chichester District Council | Complete. |
Sussex | Sussex Sediment Monitoring and Adaptive Response Workshop Report 2023 | Chichester District Council | Published 2023. |
West Sussex | CHASM Report 2020-2021 | Chichester District Council | Complete |
Chichester Harbour | Chichester Harbour AONB Management Plan 2019-2024 | Chichester Harbour Conservancy | Published 2019. |
Chichester Harbour | East Head monitoring surveys | Chichester Harbour Conservancy | 2005 |
Chichester Harbour | Archaeological Investigation of Changing Landscapes | Chichester Harbour Conservancy | 2005 |
Chichester Harbour | Chichester Harbour Paddlesports Guidelines | Chichester Harbour Conservancy | Published 2018. |
Chichester Harbour | Chichester Harbour Guided Walks & Activities | Chichester Harbour Conservancy | Online web resource. |
Chichester Harbour | Return of the Tern Nature Recovery Project - Chichester Harbour AONB | Chichester Harbour Conservancy | Ongoing. |
Chichester Harbour | Yachting Traffic in Chichester Harbour | Chichester Harbour Conservancy | Ongoing |
Chichester Harbour | Archaeological Investigation of the Paleoenvironment of the AONB | Chichester Harbour Conservancy | 2005 |
Chichester Harbour | Sustainable Shorelines | Chichester Harbour Conservancy | Completed 2016. |
Chichester Harbour | The environment impact of Baitdigging: effects on the infauna and epifauna of Chichester harbour 1995-1998. | Chichester Harbour Conservancy | 1999 |
Chichester Harbour | Archaeological Investigation of Landscapes Under Threat | Chichester Harbour Conservancy | 2005 |
UK | Drone Safe | Civil Aviation Authority | |
UK | Postcards from the Edge: Adapting to our changing coast | CIWEM | Published 2024. |
UK | Communities on the Edge | Coastal Communities Alliance | Published 2023. |
Portsmouth | Portsea Island Coastal Strategy Study (PICSS ) | Coastal Partners | 2012. |
Solent | Coastal Partners YouTube Channel | Coastal Partners | Ongoing |
Solent | Regional Habitat Compensation Programme: Solent and South Downs | Coastal Partners | Ongoing |
UK | Profiting from Coastal Partnerships
Putting A Price On Member Benefits | Coastal Partnership Network | |
UK | How well prepared is the UK for climate change? | Committee on Climate Change | 2010. |
UK | Marine aggregate dredging 1998-2012: A fifteen-year review | Crown Estate | Complete 2014. |
UK | Marine Data Exchange | Crown Estate | Ongoing. |
Solent | Aggregate dredging and
the coastlines of Dorset,
Hampshire, the Isle of Wight
and Sussex: a regional perspective of marine sand and gravel off the
coast of central southern England since the Ice Age | Crown Estate | Published 2022. |
UK | Marine Data Exchange | Crown Estate | Complete 2013. |
UK | Marine biodiversity offsetting and habitat banking - feasibility study | Crown Estate | 2014. |
UK | Coastal Title and Ownership Viewer, The Crown Estate | Crown Estate | Ongoing. |
UK | Delivering a Vision for High-Integrity Marine Natural Capital Markets in the UK | Crown Estate | Published 2024. |
UK | Round 3 offshore wind | Crown Estate | Ongoing online resource. |
Lymington | Lymington Harbour habitat replenishment scheme: Summary of works | Crown Estate | Complete 2012. |
UK | Crown Estate Licences: summary of statistics, 2015 | Crown Estate | Annual survey. |
UK | Outcome Indicator Framework for the 25 Year Environment Plan | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | Ongoing |
England | Litter Strategy for England: Policy Paper | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | Published 2017. |
England | Nutrient pollution: reducing the impact on protected sites | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | Published 2022. |
UK | Code of practice on litter and refuse | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | 2013. |
UK | End-of-life fishing and aquaculture gear policy options | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | Published 2021. |
UK | Charting Progress 2 | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | 2010. |
UK | Investigating the sources and pathways of synthetic fibre and vehicle tyre wear contamination into the marine
environment | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | Published 2020. |
Europe | Marine Protected Areas Network Report 2012 - 2018 | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | Published 2018. |
UK | Defra App Gallery - Data Services Platform | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | Ongoing |
England | A strategy for England’s wildlife and ecosystem services, Biodiversity indicators: 2021 assessment | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | Annual survey. |
UK | National Flood Resilience Review | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | Completed 2016. |
UK | 25 Year Environment Plan | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | Published Jan 2018. |
UK | Adapting to Coastal Change:
Developing a Policy Framework | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | Complete. |
UK | Climate change adaptation reporting | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | Ongoing monitoring reports. |
UK | Local Nature Recovery Strategy Data Viewer | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | Ongoing. |
England | Nature Recovery Network: Policy Paper | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | Published 2020. |
UK | UK marine science strategy: 2010 to 2025 | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | February 2010. |
UK | The Habitats and Wild Birds Directives in England and its seas: Core guidance for developers, regulators & land/marine managers | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | Published 2012. |
UK | Advice on using nature based
interventions to reach net zero
greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | Published 2020. |
UK | Defra Bathing Water Pages | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | Online web resource. |
England | Habitats and species of principal importance in England | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | Complete. |
England | Biodiversity Net Gain | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | Ongoing. |
UK | Clean Catch UK | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | Ongoing |
UK | MAGIC Map | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | Ongoing online resource. |
UK | Marine Conservation Zones Designation: Explanatory Note
| Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | Complete November 2013. |
England | Marine and coastal wildlife code: advice for visitors | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | Published 2023. |
UK | UK Climate Projections (UKCP09) | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | Complete. |
England | Enabling a Natural Capital Approach guidance | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | Ongoing. |
Other | Lyme Bay - A Case-study: Measuring the effects of benthic species and assessing potential - MB0101 | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | Completed 2012. |
UK | Marine Strategy Part Two: UK updated monitoring programmes | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | Published 2021. |
UK | Litter and littering in England: Data Dashboard | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | Ongoing |
England | End of Life Recreational Vessels and Marine Litter | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | Published Feb 2024 |
England | Nutrient Neutrality: A summary guide and frequently asked questions (NE776) | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | Published 2022. |
UK | Water Framework Directive assessment: estuarine and coastal waters | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | Published 2016. |
UK | Recreational and commercial anchoring and mooring impacts in marine protected areas in Wales and England - ME6003 | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | Ongoing. |
UK | UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA), 2012 | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | Complete 2012. |
UK | Marine and Coastal Access Act, 2009 | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs | Complete. November 2009. |
UK | Maritime and shipping statistics | Department for Transport | Annual statistics. |
UK | Modernising Trust Ports: A Guide to Good Governance [second edition] | Department for Transport | 2009. |
UK | Natural Capital Assessment Gateway | Ecosystem Knowledge Network | |
Southampton Water | Ashlett Creek UWWTR Environmental Statement | EMU Environment Ltd | 1997 |
UK | Saltmarsh Restoration Handbook | Environment Agency | Published 2021. |
England | Ecology and Fish Data Explorer | Environment Agency | Ongoing |
England | Shore and cliff sensitivity to accelerating sea level rise | Environment Agency | Published 2025. |
Solent | Valuing the Solent Marine Sites Habitats and
Species: A Natural Capital Study of Benthic
Ecosystem Services and how they Contribute to
Water Quality Regulation. | Environment Agency | Published 2020. |
England | State of the environment: the coastal and marine environment | Environment Agency | Published 2023. |
Isle of Wight | Medina Estuary – Water Quality (nutrients - nitrogen): Briefing Note | Environment Agency | Published 2019. |
Solent | Overview of Solent Eutrophication and Recovery | Environment Agency | Published 2023 |
UK | Programme of flood and coastal erosion risk management schemes 2015 to 2021 | Environment Agency | Ongoing to 2021 |
England | Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Research and Development Programme: Coastal and estuary management
| Environment Agency | Published 2025. |
England | Indicative catchment statistics for nutrient pollution | Environment Agency | Published 2024. |
England | Coastal morphological modelling for
decision-makers | Environment Agency | Published 2019. |
England | Water Engagement Hub | Environment Agency | Ongoing. |
UK | Sealife Tracker | Environment Agency | Ongoing. |
Solent | Portsmouth Harbour, Langstone Harbour and Chichester Harbour -
Nitrate vulnerable zone (NVZ)
designation 2017 – Eutrophic Waters (Estuaries and Coastal Waters) | Environment Agency | Published 2016. |
England | Natural Flood Management Programme: evaluation report | Environment Agency | Published 2022. |
England | The Coastal Handbook | Environment Agency | Published 2010. |
UK | Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management
Strategy Roadmap to 2026 | Environment Agency | Published 2022. |
England | The extent and zonation of saltmarsh in England: 2016-2019 | Environment Agency | Published 2022. |
Solent | Solent Catchment Data Explorer | Environment Agency | Ongoing. |
| Restoring Estuarine and Coastal Habitats with Dredged Sediment | Environment Agency | Published 2021. |
UK | Including Ecological Enhancements in the Planning, Design
and Construction of Hard Coastal Structures: A process guide | Environment Agency | 2011. |
England | Swimfo: Find a bathing water | Environment Agency | Annual update. |
Solent | Solent Water Body: Catchment data explorer | Environment Agency | Ongoing |
UK | Catchment Data Explorer | Environment Agency | Ongoing. |
UK | Assessing the impact of exposure to microplastics in fish | Environment Agency | Completed 2015. |
England | Property Flood Resilience Update | Environment Agency | Published 2020. |
UK | The coastal handbook - A guide for all those working on the coast | Environment Agency | 2010 |
UK | Investing for the future. Flood and coastal risk management in England - a long term investment strategy | Environment Agency | 2009. |
UK | National Flood and Coastal
Erosion Risk Management
Strategy for England | Environment Agency | Published 2020. |
UK | Managing flood and coastal erosion risk annual report | Environment Agency | Annual report. |
England | Water Framework Directive risk assessment | Environment Agency | Complete. |
| What is coastal squeeze? | Environment Agency | Published 2021. |
UK | Water quality data archive | Environment Agency | Ongoing |
England | Coastal morphological modelling for
decision-makers: Report – SC090036/R | Environment Agency | Published 2019. |
England | Shoreline Management Plan Data Explorer | Environment Agency | Launched 2024. |
UK | Restoring Estuarine and Coastal Habitats with Dredged Sediment | Environment Agency | Published 2021. |
UK | Seagrass Restoration Handbook | Environment Agency | Published 2021. |
UK | Working with Natural Processes –
Evidence Directory | Environment Agency | Published 2017. |
UK | Bathing Water Quality Profiles | Environment Agency | Annual monitoring |
England | Plastics: challenges for the water environment | Environment Agency | Published 2021. |
Isle of Wight | Newtown Harbour, Medina Estuary, and Eastern Yar (Bembridge Harbour) - Nitrate vulnerable zone (NVZ) designation 2017 – Eutrophic Waters | Environment Agency | Published 2016. |
UK | Algal blooms: advice for the public and landowners | Environment Agency | Ongoing advice. |
England | Flood Map for Planning (Rivers and Sea) | Environment Agency | Ongoing |
Southeast | South East river basin district river basin management plan: updated 2022 | Environment Agency | Updated 2022. |
UK | Coastal flood forecasting: a good practice framework | Environment Agency | Completed 2016. |
England | Flood and coastal erosion risk
management appraisal
Technical guidance
| Environment Agency | Published 2022. |
UK | Exploratory sea level projections for the UK to 2300 | Environment Agency | Published 2019. |
England | Marine and Coastal Habitat Restoration Principles
| Environment Agency | Published 2023. |
UK | European Native Oyster Restoration Handbook | Environment Agency | Published 2021. |
Solent | Solent and South Downs:
Fish monitoring report 2017 | Environment Agency | 2018. |
England | Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZ) | Environment Agency | Ongoing. |
England | Swimfo: Find a bathing water | Environment Agency | |
Hamble Estuary | Nitrate vulnerable zone (NVZ)
designation 2017 – Eutrophic
Waters (Estuaries and Coastal
Waters) - Hamble Estuary | Environment Agency | Published 2016. |
England | Rivers Basin Management Plans Mapping | Environment Agency | Ongoing |
UK | ReMeMaRe Restoration Maps and Handbooks | Estuarine & Coastal Sciences Association | |
UK | Restoring Meadow, Marsh and Reef (ReMeMaRe) | Estuarine & Coastal Sciences Association | |
UK | European Marine Atlas | EU Maritime Affairs | Last revision May 2011 |
Europe | Marine Strategy Framework Directive | EU Maritime Affairs | Online web resource. |
UK | European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODNET) | EU Maritime Affairs | Ongoing. |
Europe | Guidance on Monitoring of Marine Litter in European Seas | EU Maritime Affairs | 2013. |
Europe | European Atlas of the Seas | EU Maritime Affairs | Fourth edition published in 2017. |
New Forest | Clean Water Camping | Freshwater Habitats Trust | Published 2020. |
UK | Biosecurity for boat and kayak users | GB Non-native Species Secretariat | Ongoing online resource |
UK | Biosecurity for boat and kayak users | GB Non-native Species Secretariat | Completed 2017. |
UK | Foresight Future of the Sea: A Report from the Government
Chief Scientific Adviser | Government Office for Science | Published 2018. |
UK | Future of the sea: trends in aquaculture | Government Office for Science | Published 2017. |
UK | Future of the sea: biological responses to ocean warming | Government Office for Science | Completed 2017. |
UK | Future of the sea | Government Office for Science | March 2018 |
UK | Future of the sea: plastic pollution | Government Office for Science | Published 2017. |
UK | Future of the Sea: Marine Biodiversity | Government Office for Science | |
Southeast | Principles of Nature recovery Networks across the South East of
England | Hampshire and Isle of Wight Local Nature Partnership (LNP) | Published 2020. |
Hampshire | Hampshire Biodiversity Information Centre | Hampshire Biodiversity Information Centre | Ongoing online resource. |
Hamble Estuary | Public Slipways on the River Hamble | Hampshire County Council | Online web resource. |
Solent | Looking After Nature | Dog control | Hampshire County Council | Published 2022. |
Hampshire | Hampshire Countryside Access Plan 2015-2025 | Hampshire County Council | Complete 2015. |
Hampshire | HCC Responding to Climate Change | Hampshire County Council | Ongoing. |
Hampshire | State of Hampshire’s natural environment | Hampshire County Council | Published 2020. |
Solent | Solent Seagrass Project Inventory | Hants and Wight Wildlife Trust | Annual survey |
Solent | Solent Seal Tagging Project: summary Report 2010 | Hants and Wight Wildlife Trust | 2010 |
Solent | Marine Habitats Explorer Webpages | Hants and Wight Wildlife Trust | Online web resource. |
Solent | The Solent Waders and Brent Goose Strategy | Hants and Wight Wildlife Trust | Updated 2017. |
UK | Seasearch | Hants and Wight Wildlife Trust | Ongoing. |
UK | The Way Back to Living Seas | Hants and Wight Wildlife Trust | Published 2019. |
Hampshire | Shoresearch | Hants and Wight Wildlife Trust | Ongoing survey. |
England | Accessing England's Protected Wreck Sites | Historic England | Published 2015. |
UK | Protected Wreck Sites | Historic England | Ongoing |
England | England's Archaeology from the Air | Historic England | Ongoing |
UK | Climate change and ports:
Impacts and adaptation strategies | HR Wallingford | Published 2021. |
Isle of Wight | Seabed Sediment Mobility Study: interim report 2 | HR Wallingford | 1997 |
UK | IPC Advice note ten: Habitat Regulations Assessment | Infrastructure Planning Comission | 2011. |
UK | Guidelines for Ecological Impact Assessment in the UK: Terrestrial, Freshwater and Coastal Environments | Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management | Published 2018. |
UK | End-Of-Life Management of Fibre Reinforced Plastic Vessels: Alternatives to At Sea Disposal | International Maritime Organization | Published 2019. |
UK | Biofouling Management for Recreational Boating: Recommendations for improved biosecurity to prevent
the introduction and spread of Invasive Aquatic Species | International Maritime Organization | Published 2022. |
Isle of Wight | Local Nature Ecological and Cultural Resources | Island Nature | |
Isle of Wight | Wild on Wight | Isle of Wight Biodiversity Partnership | Ongoing online resource. |
Isle of Wight | Isle of Wight Economic Profile 2019 | Isle of Wight Council | Published 2020. |
Isle of Wight | Coastal Evolution and Risk Map Study | Isle of Wight Council | 2004 |
Isle of Wight | An Assessment of the Recreational Impacts on the
European Sites of the River Medina and Ryde Sands on the
Isle of Wight with Recommendations for Mitigation | Isle of Wight Council | Published 2012. |
Isle of Wight | Local walks and trails on the Isle of Wight | Isle of Wight Council | Ongoing online resource. |
East Solent | Seagrove Bay Coast Protection Scheme - Environmental Statement | Isle of Wight Council | 2005 |
Isle of Wight | Isle of Wight Estuaries Project | Isle of Wight Estuaries Project | Ongoing. |
UK | Developing the evidence-base to support climate-smart decision making on MPAs | JNCC | Published 2020. |
UK | Marine activities and pressures evidence | JNCC | Ongoing |
UK | Establishing a network of Marine Protected Areas in the UK | JNCC | Published 2018. |
UK | JNCC's work on Marine Protected Areas | JNCC | Ongoing. |
Europe | Development of a framework for Mapping European Sediment Habitats (MESH) | JNCC | Completed 2008. |
UK | UK SeaMap 2010: Predictive mapping of seabed habitats in UK waters (2011). | JNCC | Complete 2011. |
UK | UK List of Special Protection Areas (SPA), including the Solent | JNCC | |
UK | Site Information Centres for all UK offshore MPAs | JNCC | Completed 2015. |
UK | Site Information Centres for Offshore MPAs - Video | JNCC | |
UK | Seabird Monitoring Programme | JNCC | Ongoing. |
UK | MPA Fisheries Management Toolkit | JNCC | Published 2020. |
Portsmouth Harbour | Using Portsmouth Harbour for Recreation and Watersports | Kings's Harbour Master | Ongoing. |
Langstone Harbour | Langstone Harbour Information | Langstone Harbour Board | |
Langstone Harbour | Annual Small Fish Survey | Langstone Harbour Board | Annual survey. |
Sussex | Sea’s the Day: the fishermen of Selsey Bill | Manhood Peninsula Partnership | Published 2019. |
UK | Marine Invaders | Marine Biological Association | Ongoing online resource. |
UK | UK climate change evidence review for seabirds and waterbirds | Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership | Published 2023. |
UK | Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership Evidence Updates | Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership | |
UK | The Good Fish Guide | Marine Conservation Society | Updated regularly. |
UK | Marine anthropogenic litter on British beaches: A 10-year nationwide assessment using citizen science data | Marine Conservation Society | Completed 2016. |
UK | Marine Litter Action Network | Marine Conservation Society | Ongoing online resource. |
UK | The Good Beach Guide | Marine Conservation Society | Ongoing online resource. |
UK | Great British Beach Clean, 2022 | Marine Conservation Society | Ongoing monitoring. |
UK | 2021, Strategic Net Gain Task and Finish Group, Offshore Wind Evidence and Change Programme, Strategic Net Gain Targets for Coastal and Marine Environments | Marine Data Exchange | Published 2021. |
UK | Scoping the opportunities and challenges to using a core fishing grounds approach to develop a spatial marine plan policy for fishing (MMO 1074) | Marine Management Organisation | Complete 2014. |
UK | Marine Licensing: Navigational dredging exemption | Marine Management Organisation | Published 2016. |
UK | Evaluating the distribution, trends and value of inshore and offshore fisheries in England (MMO 1011) | Marine Management Organisation | Complete 2012. |
UK | Economic baseline assessment for the North East, North West, South East and South West marine plans | Marine Management Organisation | Completed 2016. |
UK | Evaluation of the current state of knowledge on potential cumulative effects from offshore wind farms (OWF) to inform marine planning and marine licensing | Marine Management Organisation | May 2013. |
UK | Use of beneficial dredge materials in the South inshore and offshore marine plan areas (MMO 1073) | Marine Management Organisation | Complete Sep 2014. |
UK | Marine planning: A guide for local authorities | Marine Management Organisation | Complete 2014. |
England | Regulatory decision making to enable marine Nature Based Solutions - ME5238 | Marine Management Organisation | Published 2021. |
UK | Marine Information System | Marine Management Organisation | Launched in 2016 |
UK | MMO1064 Scuba Diving Model | Marine Management Organisation | Published 2015. |
UK | Ecosystem Approach in Marine Planning | Marine Management Organisation | Completed Feb 2015. |
UK | The contribution of shipping to the English economy (R 100) | Marine Management Organisation | Published June 2017. |
England | Fast-track and accelerated licensing | Marine Management Organisation | Published 2016. |
UK | MMO guidance to industry on 2017 bass measures | Marine Management Organisation | Published 2017. |
UK | Maximising the socio-economic benefits of marine planning for English coastal communities | Marine Management Organisation | 2011 |
UK | Scoping of a robust strategic assessment tool for co-existence of activities in marine plan areas (MMO 1049) | Marine Management Organisation | Complete April 2014. |
UK | Marine Licensing exempted activities | Marine Management Organisation | Online web resource. |
England | Mapping Sea Angling (MMO1163) | Marine Management Organisation | 2020 |
England | The marine licence application timeline | Marine Management Organisation | Published 2018. |
UK | Scoping of a robust approach to the assessment of coexistence of activities in marine plan areas | Marine Management Organisation | April 2014. |
UK | Marine Plan - user guide | Marine Management Organisation | Complete 2015. |
UK | Marine protected areas: strategic management table | Marine Management Organisation | First published 2014. |
England | Regional Fisheries Groups | Marine Management Organisation | Ongoing |
UK | Evidence requirement R005: Marine species migration pathways. | Marine Management Organisation | Published June 2017. |
England | Managing marine non-licensable activities in marine protected areas | Marine Management Organisation | Ongoing. |
Southeast | Seascape assessment for the South inshore and offshore marine plans (MMO 1037) | Marine Management Organisation | Complete June 2014. |
England | Marine licensing: Information you may need to supply to support your marine licence application | Marine Management Organisation | Ongoing. |
England | An approach to seascape sensitivity assessment (MMO1204) | Marine Management Organisation | Published 2020. |
England | Non-licensable Activity Impacts on Marine Protected Areas (MMO1136) | Marine Management Organisation | Published 2019. |
Solent | Compilation of information on tourism relevant to marine planning in the South Inshore and Offshore marine plan areas | Marine Management Organisation | Complete June 2013. |
UK | Displacement and habituation of seabirds in response to marine activities (MMO 1139) | Marine Management Organisation | Published 2018 |
UK | UK 2015 National Dataset of Marine Vessel Traffic | Marine Management Organisation | Published 2017. |
UK | Essential fish habitat follow on report (MMO1096) | Marine Management Organisation | 2016 |
England | High Priority Non-Licensable Activities in MPAs (MMO1243) | Marine Management Organisation | Published 2021. |
England | Approaches for monitoring the impact of marine plans | Marine Management Organisation | Published 2016. |
England | Marine Planning and Development Guidance | Marine Management Organisation | Published 2014. |
UK | Marine planning: a guide for local councils | Marine Management Organisation | Complete 2016. |
England | Managing marine non-licensable activities in marine protected areas | Marine Management Organisation | Ongoing. |
UK | Marine licensing guidance for recreational divers | Marine Management Organisation | Published 2018. |
UK | Follow on to the development of Spatial Models of Essential Fish Habitat for the South Inshore and Offshore Marine Plan Areas (MMO1096) | Marine Management Organisation | Complete 2016. |
Southeast | Habitats Regulations Assessment for the South Marine Plan | Marine Management Organisation | Published 2014. |
UK | UK Sea Fisheries Statistics | Marine Management Organisation | Annual survey. |
UK | Social impacts and interactions between marine sectors (MMO 1060) | Marine Management Organisation | 2014. |
Southeast | Beneficial Use of Dredged Sediment Report (MMO1073) | Marine Management Organisation | Complete Sep 2014. |
UK | Compilation of spatial data on marine recreation activities (MMO 1013) | Marine Management Organisation | Complete 2012. |
Southeast | South Plans Analytical Report | Marine Management Organisation | Complete June 2014. |
UK | Evaluation of Marine Protected Area
Management Measures Concerning
Fishing (MMO1172) | Marine Management Organisation | Published 2019. |
England | Moorings, consents and advice | Marine Management Organisation | Published 2025. |
England | Marine licensing: A guide for Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) | Marine Management Organisation | Oct 2017. |
UK | Fishing regulations: The Blue Book | Marine Management Organisation | Ongoing online resource. |
Southeast | Economic baseline assessment of the South Coast - MMO Project No: 1050 | Marine Management Organisation | Published Dec 2013. |
Southeast | The South Marine Plans | Marine Management Organisation | Adopted July 2018. |
Southeast | South Marine Plan Habitat Regulations Assessment: Appropriate Assessment Information Report | Marine Management Organisation | Draft published 2015. |
Southeast | Modelled Mapping of Continuous Underwater Noise Generated by Activities (MMO 1097) | Marine Management Organisation | Complete 2015. |
England | Identifying sites suitable for marine habitat restoration or creation (MMO1135) | Marine Management Organisation | Published 2019. |
Southeast | Evidence Supporting the Use of Environmental Remediation to Improve Water Quality in the
South Marine Plan Areas: MMO Project No: 1105 | Marine Management Organisation | Published 2016. |
UK | Managing Beach Safety | Maritime and Coastguard Agency | Published 2019. |
Portsmouth Harbour | HMS Invincible 1744 | Maritime Archaeology Sea Trust | |
Chichester Harbour | Impact of Bait Digging on Archaeology: Chichester Harbour Pilot Project | Maritime Archaeology Trust | Published 2015. |
Solent | Intertidal Archaeology | Maritime Archaeology Trust | Online web resource. |
Solent | Sunken Secrets Museum | Maritime Archaeology Trust | Permanent exhibition. |
Solent | Art to Sea | Maritime Archaeology Trust | Commenced 2012. |
Solent | Historic Anchorages | Maritime Archaeology Trust | Ongoing online resource. |
Solent | Archaeology and Coastal Change | Maritime Archaeology Trust | 2005 |
Solent | The Western Solent - a SARCC Case Study | Maritime Archaeology Trust | Published 2020. |
Solent | Shipwrecks | Maritime Archaeology Trust | Online web resource. |
Solent | Maritime Archaeological Reports from around the Solent | Maritime Archaeology Trust | 2005 onwards. |
Hamble Estuary | Archaeological sites of the Hamble River | Maritime Archaeology Trust | Ongoing |
Solent | Submerged Prehistory | Maritime Archaeology Trust | Ongoing online resource. |
Solent | Online guided 3D tour of Arfon | Maritime Archaeology Trust | Completed. |
Solent | Forgotten Wrecks of the First World War | Maritime Archaeology Trust | Running from 2014 to 2018. Mapping being maintained thereafter. |
Solent | Solent 70 | Maritime Archaeology Trust | Ongoing web resource. |
Southeast | Forgotten Wrecks of the First World War interactive map viewer | Maritime Archaeology Trust | |
| MarLIN | Ongoing |
UK | MarLIN - The Marine Life Information Network: Habitat Data | MarLIN | |
UK | UK Climate Projections (UKCP) | Met office | Ongoing. |
England | Seasearch Marine Surveys in England | National Biodiversity Network Trust | Ongoing |
Sussex | Biotic variation in coastal water bodies in Sussex, England. | National Marine Biological library | 2005 |
UK | The National Tidal and Sea Level Facility | National Oceanography Centre | |
UK | Spatial and temporal analysis of extreme sea level and storm surge events around the coastline of the UK | National Oceanography Centre | Published 2016. |
Solent | A Historical Investigation of Solent Saltmarsh as Key Coastal Nursery Habitat Areas (NECR404) | Natural England | Published 2022. |
England | The status of Habitats Directive Annex I saltmarsh habitats, transition zones and Spartina species in England (NECR185) | Natural England | 2015. |
England | Using Behavioural Insights to Reduce Recreation Impacts on Wildlife: Guidance & Case Studies from Thames Basin Heaths and the Solent (NECR329) | Natural England | Published 2021. |
England | Biodiversity Net Gain: An introduction to benefits | Natural England | Published 2022. |
England | Green Infrastructure Map | Natural England | Ongoing. |
England | Advanced Mooring Systems (AMS): LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES: Lessons learned and good practice | Natural England | Published 2024. |
England | Healthy Estuaries 2020: Towards Addressing Coastal Squeeze in Estuaries (IPENS002) | Natural England | Published 2016. |
England | Climate Change Adaptation Manual (NE751) | Natural England | Published 2020. |
England | National Natural Capital Atlas: Mapping Indicators (NECR285) | Natural England | Published 2020. |
UK | Investigating the Impacts of Marine Invasive Non-Native Species (NECR223) | Natural England | 2016. |
England | LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES Behaviour Change Project: Understanding the behavioural context (NECR371) | Natural England | Published 2024. |
Solent | NECR571 Edition 1 LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES Mapping of Seafloor Debris in Intertidal Seagrass Solent Maritime SAC | Natural England | Published 2024. |
England | English Seabird Conservation and Recovery Pathway (ESCaRP) - ME6044 | Natural England | Published 2023. |
England | Advanced Mooring Systems (AMS): LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES: Lessons learned and good practice | Natural England | Published 2024. |
England | Monitor of Engagement
with the Natural Environment –
The national survey on people
and the natural environment. | Natural England | |
England | Dredging as NNS pathway report (NECR588) | Natural England | Published 2024. |
England | Coastal Change Management Areas:
Opportunities for sustainable solutions in areas subject to coastal change | Natural England | Published 2019. |
UK | Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment - The national survey on people and the natural environment - Visits to coastal England (NECR226) | Natural England | Completed 2016. |
England | Fisheries Impacts on Marine Protected Habitats – A Review of the Evidence (NEER023) | Natural England | Published 2023. |
UK | Marine Restoration Potential MaRePo (JP054) | Natural England | Published 2023. |
Solent | Mapping Invasive Alien Species in intertidal habitats within Natura 2000 sites in the Solent (JP042) | Natural England | Published 2022. |
England | Displacement of fishing effort from Marine Protected Areas (NECR241) | Natural England | Published 2017. |
UK | Managing marine recreational activities: a review of evidence (NECR242) | Natural England | Published 2017. |
Solent | The Solent Maritime SAC
seagrass natural capital
| Natural England | Published 2021. |
England | LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES: Synthesis of ReMEDIES actions and assessment of seagrass beds within the Solent Maritime SAC (NECR610). | Natural England | Published 2025. |
England | Increasing the Resilience of the UK’s Special Protection Areas to Climate Change (NECR202) | Natural England | Published 2016. |
UK | Development of a Coastal Vegetated Shingle Inventory for England (NECR015) | Natural England | 2009. |
England | Green and Blue Infrastructure Mapping | Natural England | Published 2021. |
Solent | Advice on achieving nutrient neutrality for new development in the Solent: Guide for Local Planning Authorities | Natural England | Published 2019. |
England | Natural England Marine Chalk Characterisation Project (NERR080) | Natural England | Published 2020. |
England | Spartina anglica and its management in estuarine Natura 2000 sites: an update of its status and monitoring future change in England (IPENS041) | Natural England | 2016. |
England | Reducing and Mitigating Erosion and Disturbance Impacts affecting the Seabed (ReMEDIES) | Natural England | 2024 |
Solent | Noise Disturbance - Baseline Level Monitoring in the Solent Report (NECR570) | Natural England | Published 2024. |
England | Edition 1 Impacts of nutrients on saltmarsh (NEER152) | Natural England | Published 2025. |
Solent | Seagrass Natural Capital Assessment: The Solent Maritime SAC (NECR421) | Natural England | Published 2022. |
England | King Charles III England Coast Path | Natural England | |
Solent | Site Improvement Plan: Solent (SIP043) | Natural England | Published 2014. |
England | Sand Dune Managers Handbook Version 2 | Natural England | Published 2024. |
England | Mapping blue carbon stocks and sequestration and the risks/opportunities from activities which could impact on those stocks and future sequestration - ME5440 | Natural England | Published 2022. |
England | Audit review and prioritisation for marine invasive non-native species biosecurity planning in England (NECR477) | Natural England | Published 2023. |
Isle of Wight | Isle of Wight Catchment Management Plan | Natural Enterprise | Published 2019. |
England | A review of implementation of the Water Framework Directive Regulations and River Basin Management Planning in England | Office for Environmental Protection | Published 2024. |
UK | Marine accounts, natural capital, UK: 2021 | Office for National Statistics | Published 2021. |
UK | 2nd Marine Litter Regional Action Plan | OSPAR Commission | Ongoing. |
Europe | Regional Action Plan for Prevention and Management of Marine Litter in the North-East Atlantic | OSPAR Commission | Published 2015. |
UK | Marine Litter Indicators | OSPAR Commission | Ongoing online resource. |
Isle of Wight | The Perpetuus Tidal Energy Centre | Perpetuus Tidal | Ongoing. |
UK | International Marine Litter Research Unit publications | Plymouth Marine Laboratory | Ongoing online resource. |
Portsmouth Harbour | Port Master Plan: Portsmouth International Port - Planning to 2026 | Portsmouth Commercial Port | Complete 2011. |
Portsmouth | Portsmouth Commercial Port Annual Reports | Portsmouth Commercial Port | Annual report. |
Portsmouth Harbour | Portsmouth Harbour Marine Employers Skills Survey | Portsmouth Harbour Marine | Published 2021. |
Solent | Solent Maritime SAC Recreational
Activities Surveys 2021 | ReMEDIES | Published 2022. |
Solent | The Solent Maritime SAC:
Seagrass natural capital
assessment | ReMEDIES | Published 2021. |
Hamble Estuary | River Hamble Soft Sediment Habitat Retention Feasibility Study | River Hamble Harbour Authority | Completed 2016. |
Hamble Estuary | River Hamble Information | River Hamble Harbour Authority | |
UK | Biodiversity in Planning | Royal Town Planning Institute | Published 2019. |
UK | Environmentally Friendly Moorings | Royal Yachting Association | Ongoing. |
Isle of Wight | Royal Yachting Association Needles rMCZ: Impact on recreational boating. Final report April 2015. Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure UK Limited | Royal Yachting Association | Published 2015. |
UK | Economic Contribution of the Recreational Boater | Royal Yachting Association | Published 2014. |
UK | Writing a Green Wildlife Guide | Royal Yachting Association | Published 2017. |
UK | UK Coastal Atlas of Recreational Boating | Royal Yachting Association | Online web resource. |
UK | Sustainable Shores | RSPB | Published Feb 2018. |
UK | RSPB Sustainable Shores Project | RSPB | Ongoing campaign. |
UK | Seafish Gear Database | Seafish | Ongoing. |
UK | Seafish Gear Database | Seafish | Ongoing. |
UK | Update on the sources, fate, effects and consequences for the Seafood Industry of microplastics in the marine environment | Seafish | Published 2018. |
UK | Seafish Big Picture | Seafish | Annual report. |
Solent | Solent Water Quality Awards | Solent Forum | Annual award. |
Solent | Solent Marine Sites: Summer 2020 Covid Snapshot Survey | Solent Forum | Published 2021. |
Solent | Marine Conservation Zones in the Solent | Solent Forum | Online web resource. |
Solent | Solent Habitat Information Pack (SHIP) | Solent Forum | 2008 |
Solent | Strategic Guidance for the Solent:
Water Based Recreation | Solent Forum | 2011 |
Solent | Solent Science - A Review | Solent Forum | 2000. |
UK | Marine and Coastal Consents Guide: Edition 4 | Solent Forum | Complete 2012. |
Solent | Solent Plastics Pollution Hub | Solent Forum | Ongoing |
Solent | Coastal Communities Adapting to Change (CCATCH - the Solent) | Solent Forum | Complete. |
Solent | Solent Disturbance and Mitigation Project: Phase I report | Solent Forum | Complete. |
Solent | Paddlesport Guidelines to Avoid Bird Disturbance in Solent Marine Sites | Solent Forum | Published 2016. |
Solent | State of the Solent: Recreation and tourism indicators | Solent Forum | Published 2011. |
Solent | Solent Disturbance & Mitigation Project: Phase III, Mitigation Report | Solent Forum | Complete 2013. |
Solent | Solent Science - A review | Solent Forum | 2000 |
Solent | Solent Disturbance and Mitigation Project Phase II: Predicting the impact of human disturbance on overwintering birds in the Solent | Solent Forum | 2012 |
Solent | State of the Solent - Ed 1 | Solent Forum | 2001 |
Southampton | Strategic Guidance for the Solent: Environmental Quality | Solent Forum | Published 2013. |
Solent | Beneficial Use of Dredge Sediment
in the Solent (BUDs Solent) | Solent Forum | |
Solent | The economic contribution
of the Maritime Sector in the
Solent LEP | Solent LEP | Published 2022. |
Solent | Charting the course to a brighter future: Maritime UK Solent Recovery Plan | Solent LEP | Published 2021. |
Solent | Solent European Marine Sites Annual Management Report | Solent Marine Sites | Last report published 2017. |
Solent | The Bait Collector's Code | Solent Marine Sites | |
Solent | Bird Aware Solent | Solent Recreation Mitigation Partnership | Online web resource. |
Solent | Solent Recreation Mitigation Strategy | Solent Recreation Mitigation Partnership | Published Dec 2017 |
Solent | Solent Seascape Project YouTube Channel | Solent Seascape Project | Ongoing |
Southampton | A Clean Air Strategy for Southampton 2016-2025 | Southampton City Council | Ongoing to 2025 |
Hamble Estuary | Tips for using sacrificial anodes | Southampton Solent University | Published 2018. |
Solent | Microplastics in the Solent estuarine complex, UK: An initial assessment | Southampton Solent University | Published 2016. |
Southeast | Regional Habitat Compensation Programme | Southern Coastal group/SCOPAC | |
Southeast | SCOPAC Storm Analysis Study | Southern Coastal group/SCOPAC | Published 2021. |
Solent | Quaternary History of the Solent | Southern Coastal group/SCOPAC | Completed. |
UK | Management of Inshore Marine
Protected Areas by the IFCAs
2011 to 2018 | Southern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority | Published 2019. |
Solent | Hand Gathering Fisheries | Southern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority | Ongoing online resource. |
Solent | Marine Protected Areas Assessments | Southern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority | Complete. |
UK | Management of Inshore Marine
Protected Areas by the IFCAs
2011 to 2018 | Southern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority | Published 2019. |
Solent | SIFCA Current Projects | Southern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority | Details of current projects. |
Solent | SIFCA Research and Evidence Plan | Southern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority | |
Solent | Research and Evidence Reports | Southern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority | Ongoing. |
Solent | Key species profiles in the Southern IFCA District | Southern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority | Ongoing. |
Southeast | Southern Water Rivers and Seas Service | Southern Water | Ongoing. |
Isle of Wight | The Solent - Isle of Wight pathfinder project | Southern Water | Ongoing to 2025. |
Southeast | Southern Water's Plastics Policy | Southern Water | Published 2018 |
Southeast | Natural Capital in our Catchments | Southern Water | Published 2024. |
Southeast | Climate Change Adaptation Report, 2024 | Southern Water | Published 2025. |
Southeast | Clean Rivers and Seas Plan | Southern Water | Ongoing. |
Southeast | Unflushables Campaign | Southern Water | Ongoing. |
Solent | Sussex Inshore Fisheries and
Conservation Authority Species Guide | Sussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority | Online web resource. |
Sussex | MPAs in Sussex IFCAs area of jurisdiction | Sussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority | Ongoing resource. |
Solent | Sussex Inshore Fisheries & Conservation Authority Nearshore Trawling Byelaw | Sussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority | Published 2021. |
Solent | Recreational Sea Angling (RSA) Information on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) | Sussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority | Published 2017. |
Solent | Impact of bait collecting in Poole Harbour and other estuaries within the Southern IFCA District | Sussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority | 2013. |
Chichester Harbour | A valuation of the Chichester
Harbour Provisioning Ecosystem
Services provided by shellfish | Sussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority | Published 2018 |
West Sussex | Hand Gathering Byelaw, 2021 | Sussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority | |
Sussex | Sussex IFCA Research and Science | Sussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority | Ongoing. |
Sussex | Sussex Kelp Recovery | Sussex Kelp Recovery | Ongoing. |
UK | Seagrass | The Green Blue | 2010 |
UK | Green Blue Wildlife Awareness Videos | The Green Blue | Published 2018 |
UK | The Green Guide to Anchoring and Moorings | The Green Blue | Published 2020. |
UK | The Green Guide to Coastal Boating | The Green Blue | Published 2017. |
UK | Environmental Legal Register | The Green Blue | Published 2021. |
Isle of Wight | Seagrove Bay coast protection scheme environment statement | The Isle of Wight Centre for the Coastal Environment | 2005 |
UK | Coastal Data Explorer | The Rivers Trust | Ongoing |
Southeast | Industry Insights | Tourism South East | Ongoing |
UK | Marine Climate Change Impacts hub | UK Climate Impacts Programme | |
UK | UK Marine Projections | UK Climate Impacts Programme | Published 2018. |
UK | Climate change and the UK marine leisure industry | UK Climate Impacts Programme | Completed 2014. |
Solent | Quantification of Microplastics in Populations of Ostrea edulis in the Solent | University of Portsmouth | Completed 2017. |
Solent | Deimos Space UK: Sediment Disturbance Project (bait collection impacts) | University of Portsmouth | 2021 |
Solent | The Rapid Reduction of Nutrients in Transitional Waters (RaNTrans) | University of Portsmouth | |
Solent | University of Portsmouth Bait Collection Papers | University of Portsmouth | Ongoing work. |
Solent | The reproductive processes of a wild
population of the European
at oyster, Ostrea edulis in the Solent, UK
| University of Southampton | Complete 2012. |
UK | Coastal Flooding | University of Southampton | Published 2017. |
Solent | Scoping Study: Site analysis for potential beneficial dredge spoil use for restoration and recharge of intertidal soft sediment resources within the Solent. | University of Southampton | Completed 2010. |
UK | Surgewatch | University of Southampton | Ongoing. |
Solent | Coastal Flooding in the Solent: An Integrated Analysis of Defences and Inundation | University of Southampton | Complete 2012. |
UK | Governance Structures for MPAs toolkit | World Wildlife Fund | Published 2017. |