The Solent Forum

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SID Database

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Region Title Datacentre Holder Completed
PortsmouthVirtual Portsmouth2001
UKFisheries Impacts on Marine Protected Habitats – A Review of the Evidence (NEER023)Published 2023.
SCOPAC regionSCOPAC Sediment Transport Study Last updated 2012
OtherBait Collectors in Poole Harbour
Hamble EstuarySmall scale saltmarsh restoration trial at Lands’ End, Old Bursledon, River Hamble2023
SoutheastReview of south coast beach response to in the winter of 2013-2014Complete April 2014.
OtherBlueHealthPublished 2020.
UKEcostructure: eco-engineering and biosecurity solutions for coastal and marine structuresPublished 2022.
Solent European Site Conservation Objectives for Solent & Southampton Water SPA (UK9011061)Published 2014.
Solent Final Straw SolentOngoing.
UKAll Parliamentary Party Group on Coastal Communities Ongoing
UKLloyd's Register Centre's Library catalogue Ship Plan and Survey Report collectionOngoing
UKUnderstanding the Processes and Mechanisms for Community Lead Adaptation PlanningCompleted 2010.
West SussexConservation and Land use change in West Sussex 1971-19911998
UKEuropean Marine Site Risk Review - NERR-038Completed 2010.
SCOPAC regionSCOPAC Sediment Transport StudyLast update 2012
Chichester HarbourCondition review of Chichester Harbour sites: intertidal, subtidal and bird features Published 2021.
UKOffshore Wind Evidence and Knowledge Hub
UKThe Seabin ProjectOngoing online resource.
UKIncreasing the Resilience of the UK’s Special Protection Areas to Climate Change (NECR202)Completed 2016.
EnglandNatural Capital Indicators: for defining and measuring change in natural capital (NERR076)Published 2018.
UKThe International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM Convention)September 2017.
Solent Solent Maritime Special Area of Conservation: marine conservation advice (UK0030059)2016.
Solent Protected broodstock cages attached to existing floating structures as a viable source of larvae to contribute to the re-population of the Native Oyster, Ostrea edulis, in the Solent, UKCompleted 2016.
Isle of WightIsle of Wight Marine Bibliography1994
SolentEffects of commercial bait diggingUnknown
Solent Solent Nutrient Market Pilot
UKNatural England's climate change risk assessment and adaptation plan (NE318)Complete 2012.
UKThe future of seaside townsPublished 2019.
UKIs 'minimising the footprint' an effective intervention to maximise the recovery of intertidal sediments from disturbance?This record was published on 01 March 2013.
EnglandMarine Condition Assessments Poster2017.
Portsmouth HarbourPortsmouth Harbour Shipping MovementsOngoing online resource.
UKRoadmap for the Decarbonisation of the European Recreational Marine Craft SectorPublished 2021.
UKSafer Seas ServiceOngoing online resource.
SoutheastChannel Coastal Observatory Datsets
Portsmouth HarbourPortsmouth Harbour Special Protection Area: marine conservation advice (UK9011051)Published 2015.
UKOutdoor Recreation Valuation tool (ORVal)Published 2022.
UKNative Oyster Network
Solent Intertidal Seagrass Restoration in the Solent: First steps with the dwarf seagrass Zostera noltei.Published 2024.
SCOPAC regionSCOPAC Research – current and ongoingOngoing
UKAn Introduction to Nurdles and Bio BeadsPublished 2020.
Solent Solent Nutrient Trading Pilot Project: DEFRA, Natural England and Partnership for South HampshireOngoing
UKInformation for coastal communities
UKInformation and guidance on Freeports operating within EnglandOngoing
UKAir Pollution Information System (APIS)Ongoing online resource.
UKInformation for coastal communities
UKFunctional linkage: How areas that are functionally linked to European sites have been considered when they may be affected by plans and projects - a review of authoritative decisions (NECR207)Published in 2016.
UKChief Medical Officer’s Annual Report 2021: Health in Coastal CommunitiesPublished 2021.
Chichester HarbourThe environment impact of baitdigging.1999
EnglandNatural England Designated Sites System (DSS)Ongoing online resource.
Chichester HarbourEuropean Site Conservation Objectives for Chichester and Langstone Harbours SPA (UK9011011)
SCOPAC regionSediment Transport Study2004
SolentThe ecology, conservation and history of the Solent1997
SolentEvaluation of the Extent and Potential Effects of Recurrent Bait Digging and Shell Fisheries Activities on European Marine Sites around the Solent2000
UKFisheries APPG Policy BriefsPublished 2000.
EnglandConservation Advice for Marine Protected Areas: guidance and supporting material
EnglandConservation Advice for Marine Protected Areas: guidance and supporting materialPublished 2019.
UKSea fisheries: steps to sustainability (NE 193) 2009.
MedinaSustainable Use of the Medina Estuary as a Further Development of the Estuary Management PlanABP Marine Environmental Research & Consultancy2002
UKSocio-economic benefits of marine industriesABP Marine Environmental Research & ConsultancyPublished 2019.
LymingtonLymington to Yarmouth Ferries: Mitigation and Monitoring (2020)ABP Marine Environmental Research & ConsultancyPublished 2020.
UKManaging Environmental Impacts of Wet Renewable Devices ABP Marine Environmental Research & Consultancy2009
Southampton WaterSouthampton Maintenance Dredge Protocol and Water Framework Directive Compliance AssessmentABP Marine Environmental Research & Consultancy2014
UKBlue Carbon CalculatorABP Marine Environmental Research & ConsultancyPublished 2014.
LymingtonLymington Saltmarsh Enhancement and Mitigation ABP Marine Environmental Research & ConsultancyPublished 2000.
UK(Online Marine REgistry) OMRegABP Marine Environmental Research & Consultancy
Southampton WaterInter-tidal Recharge ExperimentABP Marine Environmental Research & Consultancy2001
Solent Southampton Maintenance Dredge Protocol and Water Framework Directive Compliance Baseline DocumentABP Marine Environmental Research & ConsultancyPublished 2014.
Southampton WaterSouthampton Port Master Plan (2016 - 2035)ABP SouthamptonPublished 2016.
Southampton WaterSouthampton Live Shipping MovementsABP SouthamptonOngoing online resource.
Southampton WaterABP Southampton: Oil Spill Contingency PlanABP Southampton2021
Southampton WaterSouthampton High and Low Tide TimesABP SouthamptonOngoing.
UKClimate Change Adaptation ReportABP SouthamptonPublished 2016.
Southampton WaterThe yachtsman’s guide to Southampton Water and it’s approachesABP SouthamptonAnnual document.
Southampton WaterMarine Leisure GuideABP SouthamptonPublished 2022.
SouthamptonCleaner Air for Southampton:Improving air quality in our cityABP SouthamptonPublished 2018.
Southampton WaterSouthampton Harbour ByelawsABP SouthamptonSubject to ongoing revision.
Solent Solent greywater: with special reference to Bembridge Harbour and the issue of houseboatsArtecologyPublished 2021.
UKIFCAs Management of Inshore Marine Protected AreasAssociation of Inshore Fisheries and Conservation AuthoritiesOngoing
EnglandIFCAs Management of Inshore Marine Protected AreasAssociation of Inshore Fisheries and Conservation AuthoritiesOngoing.
UKWeather Tide TablesBBCOngoing online resource.
Solent Watersports with WildlifeBird Aware SolentPublished 2023.
Solent Bird Aware SolentBird Aware Solent
Solent Countryside Sites Canine Access AreasBird Aware SolentOngoing.
UKBlue Carbon ReportBlue Marine FoundationPublished 2022.
UKRestoring our SeascapesBlue Marine FoundationPublished 2024
Solent Solent Oyster Regeneration ProjectBlue Marine FoundationOngoing.
UKBMAPA Reference LibraryBMAPAOngoing online resource.
UK‘Strength from the Depths’ – Tenth Annual Sustainable Development ReportBMAPAFebruary 2017
UKGood Practice Guidance: Extraction by Dredging of Aggregates from England's Seabed BMAPA2017.
UKAggregate dredging and the coastlines of Dorset, Hampshire, the Isle of Wight and Sussex: a regional perspective of marine sand and gravel off the coast of central southern England since the Ice AgeBMAPAPublished 2021.
UKMarine Aggregate Dreding and the Coastline Guidance NoteBMAPAComplete 2013.
EnglandStronger Together: The Strategic Plan For British Canoeing 2022-26British Canoe UnionPublished 2022.
UKIndustry Trends SurveyBritish Marine FederationProduced bi-annually.
UKUK Marinas and Berthing British Marine FederationComplete 2013.
UKNational Watersports Participation SurveyBritish Marine FederationAnnual report.
UKMarine Industry Trends SurveyBritish Marine FederationOngoing.
UKThe Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS)British Trust for OrnithologyOngoing monitoring
UKBeneficial use of sediments: Case studiesCentral Dredging AssociationOngoing.
EnglandSaltmarsh CodeCentre for Ecology and Hydrology
UKShellfish NewsCentre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture SciencePublished May and November.
UKSummary of progress towards Good Environmental StatusCentre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture SciencePublished 2019.
UKCefas Fisheries Advice DocumentsCentre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture ScienceOnline web resource.
UKCEFAS Data HubCentre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture ScienceOngoing online resource.
UKInvestigating Climate Change Resilience of Vulnerable Marine Species around the UK [InCResiVul] - ME5241Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture SciencePublished 2024.
UKMaps of the designated English shellfish watersCentre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture ScienceOngoing monitoring
UKDredged Material Disposal Site Monitoring Round the Coast of England: Results of Sampling (2015-16)Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture SciencePublished 2016.
EnglandEngland and Wales: classification and monitoring of shellfish harvesting areasCentre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture ScienceOngoing online resource.
UKUK Sea Angling Information Library (UK SAIL)Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture SciencePublished 2023
EnglandThe Fisheries Data Archive Centre (FishDAC)Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture ScienceOngoing online resource.
UKAnalysis of 50 years of marine data: new insights into life on the seabed and potential for better protection of the marine environmentCentre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture SciencePublished 2017.
UKBelow the surface: Twenty-five years of seafloor litter monitoring in coastal seas of North West Europe (1992–2017)Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture SciencePublished 2018
UKSea angling in the UKCentre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture SciencePublished 2020.
UKMarine Assessment tool Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture ScienceLaunched 2019.
Chichester HarbourBreeding Success of Native Oysters in Chichester HarbourCentre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture ScienceComplete 2013.
Southampton WaterPilot Study on Chemical Water Quality in the Western Solent: Screening for Endocrine ActivityCentre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture ScienceCompleted 2011.
UKDecision support tools for the identification and management of invasive non-native aquatic speciesCentre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture ScienceOnline tool kit.
UKMarine online assessment toolCentre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture ScienceOngoing
UKAttitudes towards data collection, management and development, and the impact of management on economic value of sea angling in the UKCentre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture SciencePublished 2020.
SoutheastSoutheast Regional Coastal Monitoring ProgrammeChannel Coast ObservatoryOngoing
SoutheastReal time data charts for waves, tides and met stations.Channel Coast ObservatoryOngoing resource.
SoutheastWave and Tide reportsChannel Coast ObservatoryOngoing online resource.
UKNational Coastal Monitoring - Coastal Defence Asset RegisterChannel Coast Observatory
SCOPAC regionStrategic Regional Coastal Monitoring Programme for the SoutheastChannel Coast Observatoryongoing
SoutheastReview of south coast beach response to wave conditions in the winter of 2013-2014Channel Coast ObservatoryComplete April 2014.
UKBiodiversity Net Gain: Good practice principles for developmentChartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental ManagementPublished 2016.
West Sussex2022 Cefas paper Janickina feistiChichester District Council Complete.
SussexSussex Sediment Monitoring and Adaptive Response Workshop Report 2023Chichester District Council Published 2023.
West SussexCHASM Report 2020-2021Chichester District Council Complete
Chichester HarbourChichester Harbour AONB Management Plan 2019-2024Chichester Harbour ConservancyPublished 2019.
Chichester HarbourEast Head monitoring surveysChichester Harbour Conservancy2005
Chichester HarbourArchaeological Investigation of Changing LandscapesChichester Harbour Conservancy2005
Chichester HarbourChichester Harbour Paddlesports GuidelinesChichester Harbour ConservancyPublished 2018.
Chichester HarbourChichester Harbour Guided Walks & ActivitiesChichester Harbour ConservancyOnline web resource.
Chichester HarbourReturn of the Tern Nature Recovery Project - Chichester Harbour AONBChichester Harbour ConservancyOngoing.
Chichester HarbourYachting Traffic in Chichester HarbourChichester Harbour ConservancyOngoing
Chichester HarbourArchaeological Investigation of the Paleoenvironment of the AONBChichester Harbour Conservancy2005
Chichester HarbourSustainable ShorelinesChichester Harbour ConservancyCompleted 2016.
Chichester HarbourThe environment impact of Baitdigging: effects on the infauna and epifauna of Chichester harbour 1995-1998.Chichester Harbour Conservancy1999
Chichester HarbourArchaeological Investigation of Landscapes Under ThreatChichester Harbour Conservancy2005
UKDrone SafeCivil Aviation Authority
UKPostcards from the Edge: Adapting to our changing coastCIWEMPublished 2024.
UKCommunities on the EdgeCoastal Communities AlliancePublished 2023.
PortsmouthPortsea Island Coastal Strategy Study (PICSS )Coastal Partners2012.
Solent Coastal Partners YouTube ChannelCoastal PartnersOngoing
Solent Regional Habitat Compensation Programme: Solent and South DownsCoastal PartnersOngoing
UKProfiting from Coastal Partnerships Putting A Price On Member BenefitsCoastal Partnership Network
UKHow well prepared is the UK for climate change?Committee on Climate Change2010.
UKMarine aggregate dredging 1998-2012: A fifteen-year reviewCrown EstateComplete 2014.
UKMarine Data ExchangeCrown EstateOngoing.
Solent Aggregate dredging and the coastlines of Dorset, Hampshire, the Isle of Wight and Sussex: a regional perspective of marine sand and gravel off the coast of central southern England since the Ice Age Crown EstatePublished 2022.
UKMarine Data ExchangeCrown EstateComplete 2013.
UKMarine biodiversity offsetting and habitat banking - feasibility studyCrown Estate2014.
UKCoastal Title and Ownership Viewer, The Crown EstateCrown EstateOngoing.
UKDelivering a Vision for High-Integrity Marine Natural Capital Markets in the UKCrown EstatePublished 2024.
UKRound 3 offshore windCrown EstateOngoing online resource.
LymingtonLymington Harbour habitat replenishment scheme: Summary of worksCrown EstateComplete 2012.
UKCrown Estate Licences: summary of statistics, 2015 Crown EstateAnnual survey.
UKOutcome Indicator Framework for the 25 Year Environment PlanDepartment for Environment Food & Rural AffairsOngoing
EnglandLitter Strategy for England: Policy PaperDepartment for Environment Food & Rural AffairsPublished 2017.
EnglandNutrient pollution: reducing the impact on protected sitesDepartment for Environment Food & Rural AffairsPublished 2022.
UKCode of practice on litter and refuseDepartment for Environment Food & Rural Affairs2013.
UKEnd-of-life fishing and aquaculture gear policy optionsDepartment for Environment Food & Rural AffairsPublished 2021.
UKCharting Progress 2Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs2010.
UKInvestigating the sources and pathways of synthetic fibre and vehicle tyre wear contamination into the marine environmentDepartment for Environment Food & Rural AffairsPublished 2020.
EuropeMarine Protected Areas Network Report 2012 - 2018Department for Environment Food & Rural AffairsPublished 2018.
UKDefra App Gallery - Data Services PlatformDepartment for Environment Food & Rural AffairsOngoing
EnglandA strategy for England’s wildlife and ecosystem services, Biodiversity indicators: 2021 assessmentDepartment for Environment Food & Rural AffairsAnnual survey.
UKNational Flood Resilience ReviewDepartment for Environment Food & Rural AffairsCompleted 2016.
UK25 Year Environment PlanDepartment for Environment Food & Rural AffairsPublished Jan 2018.
UKAdapting to Coastal Change: Developing a Policy FrameworkDepartment for Environment Food & Rural AffairsComplete.
UKClimate change adaptation reportingDepartment for Environment Food & Rural AffairsOngoing monitoring reports.
UKLocal Nature Recovery Strategy Data ViewerDepartment for Environment Food & Rural AffairsOngoing.
EnglandNature Recovery Network: Policy PaperDepartment for Environment Food & Rural AffairsPublished 2020.
UKUK marine science strategy: 2010 to 2025Department for Environment Food & Rural AffairsFebruary 2010.
UKThe Habitats and Wild Birds Directives in England and its seas: Core guidance for developers, regulators & land/marine managers Department for Environment Food & Rural AffairsPublished 2012.
UKAdvice on using nature based interventions to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050Department for Environment Food & Rural AffairsPublished 2020.
UKDefra Bathing Water PagesDepartment for Environment Food & Rural AffairsOnline web resource.
EnglandHabitats and species of principal importance in EnglandDepartment for Environment Food & Rural AffairsComplete.
EnglandBiodiversity Net GainDepartment for Environment Food & Rural AffairsOngoing.
UKClean Catch UK Department for Environment Food & Rural AffairsOngoing
UKMAGIC MapDepartment for Environment Food & Rural AffairsOngoing online resource.
UKMarine Conservation Zones Designation: Explanatory Note Department for Environment Food & Rural AffairsComplete November 2013.
EnglandMarine and coastal wildlife code: advice for visitorsDepartment for Environment Food & Rural AffairsPublished 2023.
UKUK Climate Projections (UKCP09)Department for Environment Food & Rural AffairsComplete.
EnglandEnabling a Natural Capital Approach guidanceDepartment for Environment Food & Rural AffairsOngoing.
OtherLyme Bay - A Case-study: Measuring the effects of benthic species and assessing potential - MB0101Department for Environment Food & Rural AffairsCompleted 2012.
UKMarine Strategy Part Two: UK updated monitoring programmesDepartment for Environment Food & Rural AffairsPublished 2021.
UKLitter and littering in England: Data DashboardDepartment for Environment Food & Rural AffairsOngoing
EnglandEnd of Life Recreational Vessels and Marine LitterDepartment for Environment Food & Rural AffairsPublished Feb 2024
EnglandNutrient Neutrality: A summary guide and frequently asked questions (NE776)Department for Environment Food & Rural AffairsPublished 2022.
UKWater Framework Directive assessment: estuarine and coastal watersDepartment for Environment Food & Rural AffairsPublished 2016.
UKRecreational and commercial anchoring and mooring impacts in marine protected areas in Wales and England - ME6003Department for Environment Food & Rural AffairsOngoing.
UKUK Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA), 2012Department for Environment Food & Rural AffairsComplete 2012.
UKMarine and Coastal Access Act, 2009Department for Environment Food & Rural AffairsComplete. November 2009.
UKMaritime and shipping statisticsDepartment for TransportAnnual statistics.
UKModernising Trust Ports: A Guide to Good Governance [second edition]Department for Transport2009.
UKNatural Capital Assessment GatewayEcosystem Knowledge Network
Southampton WaterAshlett Creek UWWTR Environmental StatementEMU Environment Ltd1997
UKSaltmarsh Restoration HandbookEnvironment AgencyPublished 2021.
EnglandEcology and Fish Data ExplorerEnvironment AgencyOngoing
EnglandShore and cliff sensitivity to accelerating sea level riseEnvironment AgencyPublished 2025.
Solent Valuing the Solent Marine Sites Habitats and Species: A Natural Capital Study of Benthic Ecosystem Services and how they Contribute to Water Quality Regulation. Environment AgencyPublished 2020.
EnglandState of the environment: the coastal and marine environmentEnvironment AgencyPublished 2023.
Isle of WightMedina Estuary – Water Quality (nutrients - nitrogen): Briefing NoteEnvironment AgencyPublished 2019.
Solent Overview of Solent Eutrophication and RecoveryEnvironment AgencyPublished 2023
UKProgramme of flood and coastal erosion risk management schemes 2015 to 2021Environment AgencyOngoing to 2021
EnglandFlood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Research and Development Programme: Coastal and estuary management Environment AgencyPublished 2025.
EnglandIndicative catchment statistics for nutrient pollutionEnvironment AgencyPublished 2024.
EnglandCoastal morphological modelling for decision-makersEnvironment AgencyPublished 2019.
EnglandWater Engagement HubEnvironment AgencyOngoing.
UKSealife Tracker Environment AgencyOngoing.
Solent Portsmouth Harbour, Langstone Harbour and Chichester Harbour - Nitrate vulnerable zone (NVZ) designation 2017 – Eutrophic Waters (Estuaries and Coastal Waters)Environment AgencyPublished 2016.
EnglandNatural Flood Management Programme: evaluation reportEnvironment AgencyPublished 2022.
EnglandThe Coastal HandbookEnvironment AgencyPublished 2010.
UKFlood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy Roadmap to 2026Environment AgencyPublished 2022.
EnglandThe extent and zonation of saltmarsh in England: 2016-2019Environment AgencyPublished 2022.
Solent Solent Catchment Data ExplorerEnvironment AgencyOngoing.
Restoring Estuarine and Coastal Habitats with Dredged SedimentEnvironment AgencyPublished 2021.
UKIncluding Ecological Enhancements in the Planning, Design and Construction of Hard Coastal Structures: A process guideEnvironment Agency2011.
EnglandSwimfo: Find a bathing waterEnvironment AgencyAnnual update.
Solent Solent Water Body: Catchment data explorerEnvironment AgencyOngoing
UKCatchment Data Explorer Environment AgencyOngoing.
UKAssessing the impact of exposure to microplastics in fishEnvironment AgencyCompleted 2015.
EnglandProperty Flood Resilience UpdateEnvironment AgencyPublished 2020.
UKThe coastal handbook - A guide for all those working on the coastEnvironment Agency2010
UKInvesting for the future. Flood and coastal risk management in England - a long term investment strategyEnvironment Agency2009.
UKNational Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy for EnglandEnvironment AgencyPublished 2020.
UKManaging flood and coastal erosion risk annual reportEnvironment AgencyAnnual report.
EnglandWater Framework Directive risk assessmentEnvironment AgencyComplete.
What is coastal squeeze?Environment AgencyPublished 2021.
UKWater quality data archiveEnvironment AgencyOngoing
EnglandCoastal morphological modelling for decision-makers: Report – SC090036/REnvironment AgencyPublished 2019.
EnglandShoreline Management Plan Data Explorer Environment AgencyLaunched 2024.
UKRestoring Estuarine and Coastal Habitats with Dredged SedimentEnvironment AgencyPublished 2021.
UKSeagrass Restoration HandbookEnvironment AgencyPublished 2021.
UKWorking with Natural Processes – Evidence DirectoryEnvironment AgencyPublished 2017.
UKBathing Water Quality ProfilesEnvironment AgencyAnnual monitoring
EnglandPlastics: challenges for the water environmentEnvironment AgencyPublished 2021.
Isle of WightNewtown Harbour, Medina Estuary, and Eastern Yar (Bembridge Harbour) - Nitrate vulnerable zone (NVZ) designation 2017 – Eutrophic WatersEnvironment AgencyPublished 2016.
UKAlgal blooms: advice for the public and landownersEnvironment AgencyOngoing advice.
EnglandFlood Map for Planning (Rivers and Sea)Environment AgencyOngoing
SoutheastSouth East river basin district river basin management plan: updated 2022Environment AgencyUpdated 2022.
UKCoastal flood forecasting: a good practice frameworkEnvironment AgencyCompleted 2016.
EnglandFlood and coastal erosion risk management appraisal Technical guidance Environment AgencyPublished 2022.
UKExploratory sea level projections for the UK to 2300Environment AgencyPublished 2019.
EnglandMarine and Coastal Habitat Restoration Principles Environment AgencyPublished 2023.
UKEuropean Native Oyster Restoration HandbookEnvironment AgencyPublished 2021.
Solent Solent and South Downs: Fish monitoring report 2017Environment Agency2018.
EnglandNitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZ)Environment AgencyOngoing.
EnglandSwimfo: Find a bathing waterEnvironment Agency
Hamble EstuaryNitrate vulnerable zone (NVZ) designation 2017 – Eutrophic Waters (Estuaries and Coastal Waters) - Hamble EstuaryEnvironment AgencyPublished 2016.
EnglandRivers Basin Management Plans MappingEnvironment AgencyOngoing
UKReMeMaRe Restoration Maps and HandbooksEstuarine & Coastal Sciences Association
UKRestoring Meadow, Marsh and Reef (ReMeMaRe)Estuarine & Coastal Sciences Association
UKEuropean Marine AtlasEU Maritime AffairsLast revision May 2011
EuropeMarine Strategy Framework DirectiveEU Maritime AffairsOnline web resource.
UKEuropean Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODNET)EU Maritime AffairsOngoing.
EuropeGuidance on Monitoring of Marine Litter in European SeasEU Maritime Affairs2013.
EuropeEuropean Atlas of the SeasEU Maritime AffairsFourth edition published in 2017.
New ForestClean Water CampingFreshwater Habitats TrustPublished 2020.
UKBiosecurity for boat and kayak usersGB Non-native Species Secretariat Ongoing online resource
UKBiosecurity for boat and kayak usersGB Non-native Species Secretariat Completed 2017.
UKForesight Future of the Sea: A Report from the Government Chief Scientific AdviserGovernment Office for SciencePublished 2018.
UKFuture of the sea: trends in aquacultureGovernment Office for SciencePublished 2017.
UKFuture of the sea: biological responses to ocean warmingGovernment Office for ScienceCompleted 2017.
UKFuture of the seaGovernment Office for ScienceMarch 2018
UKFuture of the sea: plastic pollutionGovernment Office for SciencePublished 2017.
UKFuture of the Sea: Marine BiodiversityGovernment Office for Science
SoutheastPrinciples of Nature recovery Networks across the South East of England Hampshire and Isle of Wight Local Nature Partnership (LNP)Published 2020.
HampshireHampshire Biodiversity Information CentreHampshire Biodiversity Information CentreOngoing online resource.
Hamble EstuaryPublic Slipways on the River HambleHampshire County CouncilOnline web resource.
Solent Looking After Nature | Dog controlHampshire County CouncilPublished 2022.
HampshireHampshire Countryside Access Plan 2015-2025Hampshire County CouncilComplete 2015.
HampshireHCC Responding to Climate ChangeHampshire County CouncilOngoing.
HampshireState of Hampshire’s natural environmentHampshire County CouncilPublished 2020.
SolentSolent Seagrass Project InventoryHants and Wight Wildlife TrustAnnual survey
SolentSolent Seal Tagging Project: summary Report 2010Hants and Wight Wildlife Trust2010
Solent Marine Habitats Explorer WebpagesHants and Wight Wildlife TrustOnline web resource.
SolentThe Solent Waders and Brent Goose StrategyHants and Wight Wildlife TrustUpdated 2017.
UKSeasearchHants and Wight Wildlife TrustOngoing.
UKThe Way Back to Living SeasHants and Wight Wildlife TrustPublished 2019.
HampshireShoresearchHants and Wight Wildlife TrustOngoing survey.
EnglandAccessing England's Protected Wreck SitesHistoric EnglandPublished 2015.
UKProtected Wreck SitesHistoric EnglandOngoing
EnglandEngland's Archaeology from the AirHistoric EnglandOngoing
UKClimate change and ports: Impacts and adaptation strategiesHR WallingfordPublished 2021.
Isle of WightSeabed Sediment Mobility Study: interim report 2HR Wallingford1997
UKIPC Advice note ten: Habitat Regulations AssessmentInfrastructure Planning Comission2011.
UKGuidelines for Ecological Impact Assessment in the UK: Terrestrial, Freshwater and Coastal EnvironmentsInstitute of Ecology and Environmental ManagementPublished 2018.
UKEnd-Of-Life Management of Fibre Reinforced Plastic Vessels: Alternatives to At Sea DisposalInternational Maritime OrganizationPublished 2019.
UKBiofouling Management for Recreational Boating: Recommendations for improved biosecurity to prevent the introduction and spread of Invasive Aquatic SpeciesInternational Maritime OrganizationPublished 2022.
Isle of WightLocal Nature Ecological and Cultural ResourcesIsland Nature
Isle of WightWild on WightIsle of Wight Biodiversity PartnershipOngoing online resource.
Isle of WightIsle of Wight Economic Profile 2019Isle of Wight CouncilPublished 2020.
Isle of WightCoastal Evolution and Risk Map StudyIsle of Wight Council2004
Isle of WightAn Assessment of the Recreational Impacts on the European Sites of the River Medina and Ryde Sands on the Isle of Wight with Recommendations for MitigationIsle of Wight CouncilPublished 2012.
Isle of WightLocal walks and trails on the Isle of WightIsle of Wight CouncilOngoing online resource.
East SolentSeagrove Bay Coast Protection Scheme - Environmental StatementIsle of Wight Council2005
Isle of WightIsle of Wight Estuaries ProjectIsle of Wight Estuaries ProjectOngoing.
UKDeveloping the evidence-base to support climate-smart decision making on MPAsJNCCPublished 2020.
UKMarine activities and pressures evidenceJNCCOngoing
UKEstablishing a network of Marine Protected Areas in the UKJNCCPublished 2018.
UKJNCC's work on Marine Protected AreasJNCCOngoing.
EuropeDevelopment of a framework for Mapping European Sediment Habitats (MESH)JNCCCompleted 2008.
UKUK SeaMap 2010: Predictive mapping of seabed habitats in UK waters (2011).JNCCComplete 2011.
UKUK List of Special Protection Areas (SPA), including the SolentJNCC
UKSite Information Centres for all UK offshore MPAsJNCCCompleted 2015.
UKSite Information Centres for Offshore MPAs - VideoJNCC
UKSeabird Monitoring ProgrammeJNCCOngoing.
UKMPA Fisheries Management ToolkitJNCCPublished 2020.
Portsmouth HarbourUsing Portsmouth Harbour for Recreation and WatersportsKings's Harbour MasterOngoing.
Langstone HarbourLangstone Harbour InformationLangstone Harbour Board
Langstone HarbourAnnual Small Fish SurveyLangstone Harbour BoardAnnual survey.
SussexSea’s the Day: the fishermen of Selsey BillManhood Peninsula PartnershipPublished 2019.
UKMarine InvadersMarine Biological AssociationOngoing online resource.
UKUK climate change evidence review for seabirds and waterbirds Marine Climate Change Impacts PartnershipPublished 2023.
UKMarine Climate Change Impacts Partnership Evidence UpdatesMarine Climate Change Impacts Partnership
UKThe Good Fish GuideMarine Conservation SocietyUpdated regularly.
UKMarine anthropogenic litter on British beaches: A 10-year nationwide assessment using citizen science dataMarine Conservation SocietyCompleted 2016.
UKMarine Litter Action NetworkMarine Conservation SocietyOngoing online resource.
UKThe Good Beach GuideMarine Conservation SocietyOngoing online resource.
UKGreat British Beach Clean, 2022Marine Conservation SocietyOngoing monitoring.
UK2021, Strategic Net Gain Task and Finish Group, Offshore Wind Evidence and Change Programme, Strategic Net Gain Targets for Coastal and Marine EnvironmentsMarine Data ExchangePublished 2021.
UKScoping the opportunities and challenges to using a core fishing grounds approach to develop a spatial marine plan policy for fishing (MMO 1074)Marine Management OrganisationComplete 2014.
UKMarine Licensing: Navigational dredging exemptionMarine Management OrganisationPublished 2016.
UKEvaluating the distribution, trends and value of inshore and offshore fisheries in England (MMO 1011)Marine Management OrganisationComplete 2012.
UKEconomic baseline assessment for the North East, North West, South East and South West marine plansMarine Management OrganisationCompleted 2016.
UKEvaluation of the current state of knowledge on potential cumulative effects from offshore wind farms (OWF) to inform marine planning and marine licensingMarine Management OrganisationMay 2013.
UKUse of beneficial dredge materials in the South inshore and offshore marine plan areas (MMO 1073)Marine Management OrganisationComplete Sep 2014.
UKMarine planning: A guide for local authoritiesMarine Management OrganisationComplete 2014.
EnglandRegulatory decision making to enable marine Nature Based Solutions - ME5238Marine Management OrganisationPublished 2021.
UKMarine Information SystemMarine Management OrganisationLaunched in 2016
UKMMO1064 Scuba Diving ModelMarine Management OrganisationPublished 2015.
UKEcosystem Approach in Marine PlanningMarine Management OrganisationCompleted Feb 2015.
UKThe contribution of shipping to the English economy (R 100)Marine Management OrganisationPublished June 2017.
EnglandFast-track and accelerated licensingMarine Management OrganisationPublished 2016.
UKMMO guidance to industry on 2017 bass measuresMarine Management OrganisationPublished 2017.
UKMaximising the socio-economic benefits of marine planning for English coastal communitiesMarine Management Organisation2011
UKScoping of a robust strategic assessment tool for co-existence of activities in marine plan areas (MMO 1049)Marine Management OrganisationComplete April 2014.
UKMarine Licensing exempted activitiesMarine Management OrganisationOnline web resource.
EnglandMapping Sea Angling (MMO1163)Marine Management Organisation2020
EnglandThe marine licence application timelineMarine Management OrganisationPublished 2018.
UKScoping of a robust approach to the assessment of coexistence of activities in marine plan areas Marine Management OrganisationApril 2014.
UKMarine Plan - user guideMarine Management OrganisationComplete 2015.
UKMarine protected areas: strategic management tableMarine Management OrganisationFirst published 2014.
EnglandRegional Fisheries GroupsMarine Management OrganisationOngoing
UKEvidence requirement R005: Marine species migration pathways.Marine Management OrganisationPublished June 2017.
EnglandManaging marine non-licensable activities in marine protected areasMarine Management OrganisationOngoing.
SoutheastSeascape assessment for the South inshore and offshore marine plans (MMO 1037)Marine Management OrganisationComplete June 2014.
EnglandMarine licensing: Information you may need to supply to support your marine licence applicationMarine Management OrganisationOngoing.
EnglandAn approach to seascape sensitivity assessment (MMO1204)Marine Management OrganisationPublished 2020.
EnglandNon-licensable Activity Impacts on Marine Protected Areas (MMO1136)Marine Management OrganisationPublished 2019.
SolentCompilation of information on tourism relevant to marine planning in the South Inshore and Offshore marine plan areasMarine Management OrganisationComplete June 2013.
UKDisplacement and habituation of seabirds in response to marine activities (MMO 1139)Marine Management OrganisationPublished 2018
UKUK 2015 National Dataset of Marine Vessel TrafficMarine Management OrganisationPublished 2017.
UKEssential fish habitat follow on report (MMO1096)Marine Management Organisation2016
EnglandHigh Priority Non-Licensable Activities in MPAs (MMO1243)Marine Management OrganisationPublished 2021.
EnglandApproaches for monitoring the impact of marine plansMarine Management OrganisationPublished 2016.
EnglandMarine Planning and Development GuidanceMarine Management OrganisationPublished 2014.
UKMarine planning: a guide for local councilsMarine Management OrganisationComplete 2016.
EnglandManaging marine non-licensable activities in marine protected areasMarine Management OrganisationOngoing.
UKMarine licensing guidance for recreational diversMarine Management OrganisationPublished 2018.
UKFollow on to the development of Spatial Models of Essential Fish Habitat for the South Inshore and Offshore Marine Plan Areas (MMO1096)Marine Management OrganisationComplete 2016.
SoutheastHabitats Regulations Assessment for the South Marine PlanMarine Management OrganisationPublished 2014.
UKUK Sea Fisheries StatisticsMarine Management OrganisationAnnual survey.
UKSocial impacts and interactions between marine sectors (MMO 1060)Marine Management Organisation2014.
SoutheastBeneficial Use of Dredged Sediment Report (MMO1073) Marine Management OrganisationComplete Sep 2014.
UKCompilation of spatial data on marine recreation activities (MMO 1013)Marine Management OrganisationComplete 2012.
SoutheastSouth Plans Analytical ReportMarine Management OrganisationComplete June 2014.
UKEvaluation of Marine Protected Area Management Measures Concerning Fishing (MMO1172)Marine Management OrganisationPublished 2019.
EnglandMoorings, consents and adviceMarine Management OrganisationPublished 2025.
EnglandMarine licensing: A guide for Local Planning Authorities (LPAs)Marine Management OrganisationOct 2017.
UKFishing regulations: The Blue BookMarine Management OrganisationOngoing online resource.
SoutheastEconomic baseline assessment of the South Coast - MMO Project No: 1050 Marine Management OrganisationPublished Dec 2013.
SoutheastThe South Marine PlansMarine Management OrganisationAdopted July 2018.
SoutheastSouth Marine Plan Habitat Regulations Assessment: Appropriate Assessment Information ReportMarine Management OrganisationDraft published 2015.
SoutheastModelled Mapping of Continuous Underwater Noise Generated by Activities (MMO 1097)Marine Management OrganisationComplete 2015.
EnglandIdentifying sites suitable for marine habitat restoration or creation (MMO1135)Marine Management OrganisationPublished 2019.
SoutheastEvidence Supporting the Use of Environmental Remediation to Improve Water Quality in the South Marine Plan Areas: MMO Project No: 1105Marine Management OrganisationPublished 2016.
UKManaging Beach SafetyMaritime and Coastguard AgencyPublished 2019.
Portsmouth HarbourHMS Invincible 1744Maritime Archaeology Sea Trust
Chichester HarbourImpact of Bait Digging on Archaeology: Chichester Harbour Pilot ProjectMaritime Archaeology TrustPublished 2015.
Solent Intertidal ArchaeologyMaritime Archaeology TrustOnline web resource.
Solent Sunken Secrets MuseumMaritime Archaeology TrustPermanent exhibition.
Solent Art to SeaMaritime Archaeology TrustCommenced 2012.
Solent Historic AnchoragesMaritime Archaeology TrustOngoing online resource.
SolentArchaeology and Coastal ChangeMaritime Archaeology Trust2005
Solent The Western Solent - a SARCC Case StudyMaritime Archaeology TrustPublished 2020.
Solent ShipwrecksMaritime Archaeology TrustOnline web resource.
Solent Maritime Archaeological Reports from around the SolentMaritime Archaeology Trust2005 onwards.
Hamble EstuaryArchaeological sites of the Hamble RiverMaritime Archaeology TrustOngoing
Solent Submerged PrehistoryMaritime Archaeology TrustOngoing online resource.
Solent Online guided 3D tour of Arfon Maritime Archaeology TrustCompleted.
Solent Forgotten Wrecks of the First World WarMaritime Archaeology TrustRunning from 2014 to 2018. Mapping being maintained thereafter.
Solent Solent 70Maritime Archaeology TrustOngoing web resource.
SoutheastForgotten Wrecks of the First World War interactive map viewerMaritime Archaeology Trust
UKMarLIN - The Marine Life Information Network: Habitat DataMarLIN
UKUK Climate Projections (UKCP)Met officeOngoing.
EnglandSeasearch Marine Surveys in EnglandNational Biodiversity Network TrustOngoing
SussexBiotic variation in coastal water bodies in Sussex, England.National Marine Biological library2005
UKThe National Tidal and Sea Level FacilityNational Oceanography Centre
UKSpatial and temporal analysis of extreme sea level and storm surge events around the coastline of the UKNational Oceanography CentrePublished 2016.
Solent A Historical Investigation of Solent Saltmarsh as Key Coastal Nursery Habitat Areas (NECR404)Natural EnglandPublished 2022.
EnglandThe status of Habitats Directive Annex I saltmarsh habitats, transition zones and Spartina species in England (NECR185)Natural England2015.
EnglandUsing Behavioural Insights to Reduce Recreation Impacts on Wildlife: Guidance & Case Studies from Thames Basin Heaths and the Solent (NECR329)Natural EnglandPublished 2021.
EnglandBiodiversity Net Gain: An introduction to benefitsNatural EnglandPublished 2022.
EnglandGreen Infrastructure MapNatural EnglandOngoing.
EnglandAdvanced Mooring Systems (AMS): LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES: Lessons learned and good practice Natural EnglandPublished 2024.
EnglandHealthy Estuaries 2020: Towards Addressing Coastal Squeeze in Estuaries (IPENS002)Natural EnglandPublished 2016.
EnglandClimate Change Adaptation Manual (NE751)Natural EnglandPublished 2020.
EnglandNational Natural Capital Atlas: Mapping Indicators (NECR285)Natural EnglandPublished 2020.
UKInvestigating the Impacts of Marine Invasive Non-Native Species (NECR223)Natural England2016.
EnglandLIFE Recreation ReMEDIES Behaviour Change Project: Understanding the behavioural context (NECR371)Natural EnglandPublished 2024.
Solent NECR571 Edition 1 LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES Mapping of Seafloor Debris in Intertidal Seagrass Solent Maritime SACNatural EnglandPublished 2024.
EnglandEnglish Seabird Conservation and Recovery Pathway (ESCaRP) - ME6044Natural EnglandPublished 2023.
EnglandAdvanced Mooring Systems (AMS): LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES: Lessons learned and good practice Natural EnglandPublished 2024.
EnglandMonitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment – The national survey on people and the natural environment.Natural England
EnglandDredging as NNS pathway report (NECR588)Natural EnglandPublished 2024.
EnglandCoastal Change Management Areas: Opportunities for sustainable solutions in areas subject to coastal changeNatural EnglandPublished 2019.
UKMonitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment - The national survey on people and the natural environment - Visits to coastal England (NECR226)Natural EnglandCompleted 2016.
EnglandFisheries Impacts on Marine Protected Habitats – A Review of the Evidence (NEER023)Natural EnglandPublished 2023.
UKMarine Restoration Potential MaRePo (JP054)Natural EnglandPublished 2023.
Solent Mapping Invasive Alien Species in intertidal habitats within Natura 2000 sites in the Solent (JP042)Natural EnglandPublished 2022.
EnglandDisplacement of fishing effort from Marine Protected Areas (NECR241)Natural EnglandPublished 2017.
UKManaging marine recreational activities: a review of evidence (NECR242)Natural EnglandPublished 2017.
Solent The Solent Maritime SAC seagrass natural capital assessment Natural EnglandPublished 2021.
EnglandLIFE Recreation ReMEDIES: Synthesis of ReMEDIES actions and assessment of seagrass beds within the Solent Maritime SAC (NECR610).Natural EnglandPublished 2025.
EnglandIncreasing the Resilience of the UK’s Special Protection Areas to Climate Change (NECR202)Natural EnglandPublished 2016.
UKDevelopment of a Coastal Vegetated Shingle Inventory for England (NECR015)Natural England2009.
EnglandGreen and Blue Infrastructure MappingNatural EnglandPublished 2021.
Solent Advice on achieving nutrient neutrality for new development in the Solent: Guide for Local Planning AuthoritiesNatural EnglandPublished 2019.
EnglandNatural England Marine Chalk Characterisation Project (NERR080)Natural EnglandPublished 2020.
EnglandSpartina anglica and its management in estuarine Natura 2000 sites: an update of its status and monitoring future change in England (IPENS041)Natural England2016.
EnglandReducing and Mitigating Erosion and Disturbance Impacts affecting the Seabed (ReMEDIES)Natural England2024
Solent Noise Disturbance - Baseline Level Monitoring in the Solent Report (NECR570)Natural EnglandPublished 2024.
EnglandEdition 1 Impacts of nutrients on saltmarsh (NEER152)Natural EnglandPublished 2025.
Solent Seagrass Natural Capital Assessment: The Solent Maritime SAC (NECR421)Natural EnglandPublished 2022.
EnglandKing Charles III England Coast PathNatural England
Solent Site Improvement Plan: Solent (SIP043)Natural EnglandPublished 2014.
EnglandSand Dune Managers Handbook Version 2Natural EnglandPublished 2024.
EnglandMapping blue carbon stocks and sequestration and the risks/opportunities from activities which could impact on those stocks and future sequestration - ME5440Natural EnglandPublished 2022.
EnglandAudit review and prioritisation for marine invasive non-native species biosecurity planning in England (NECR477)Natural EnglandPublished 2023.
Isle of WightIsle of Wight Catchment Management PlanNatural EnterprisePublished 2019.
EnglandA review of implementation of the Water Framework Directive Regulations and River Basin Management Planning in EnglandOffice for Environmental ProtectionPublished 2024.
UKMarine accounts, natural capital, UK: 2021Office for National StatisticsPublished 2021.
UK2nd Marine Litter Regional Action PlanOSPAR CommissionOngoing.
EuropeRegional Action Plan for Prevention and Management of Marine Litter in the North-East AtlanticOSPAR CommissionPublished 2015.
UKMarine Litter IndicatorsOSPAR CommissionOngoing online resource.
Isle of WightThe Perpetuus Tidal Energy Centre Perpetuus TidalOngoing.
UKInternational Marine Litter Research Unit publicationsPlymouth Marine LaboratoryOngoing online resource.
Portsmouth HarbourPort Master Plan: Portsmouth International Port - Planning to 2026Portsmouth Commercial PortComplete 2011.
PortsmouthPortsmouth Commercial Port Annual ReportsPortsmouth Commercial PortAnnual report.
Portsmouth HarbourPortsmouth Harbour Marine Employers Skills SurveyPortsmouth Harbour MarinePublished 2021.
Solent Solent Maritime SAC Recreational Activities Surveys 2021ReMEDIESPublished 2022.
Solent The Solent Maritime SAC: Seagrass natural capital assessmentReMEDIESPublished 2021.
Hamble EstuaryRiver Hamble Soft Sediment Habitat Retention Feasibility StudyRiver Hamble Harbour AuthorityCompleted 2016.
Hamble EstuaryRiver Hamble InformationRiver Hamble Harbour Authority
UKBiodiversity in PlanningRoyal Town Planning InstitutePublished 2019.
UKEnvironmentally Friendly Moorings Royal Yachting AssociationOngoing.
Isle of WightRoyal Yachting Association Needles rMCZ: Impact on recreational boating. Final report April 2015. Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure UK LimitedRoyal Yachting AssociationPublished 2015.
UKEconomic Contribution of the Recreational BoaterRoyal Yachting AssociationPublished 2014.
UKWriting a Green Wildlife GuideRoyal Yachting AssociationPublished 2017.
UKUK Coastal Atlas of Recreational BoatingRoyal Yachting AssociationOnline web resource.
UKSustainable ShoresRSPBPublished Feb 2018.
UKRSPB Sustainable Shores ProjectRSPBOngoing campaign.
UKSeafish Gear DatabaseSeafishOngoing.
UKSeafish Gear DatabaseSeafishOngoing.
UKUpdate on the sources, fate, effects and consequences for the Seafood Industry of microplastics in the marine environmentSeafishPublished 2018.
UKSeafish Big PictureSeafishAnnual report.
Solent Solent Water Quality AwardsSolent ForumAnnual award.
Solent Solent Marine Sites: Summer 2020 Covid Snapshot Survey Solent ForumPublished 2021.
Solent Marine Conservation Zones in the SolentSolent ForumOnline web resource.
SolentSolent Habitat Information Pack (SHIP)Solent Forum2008
SolentStrategic Guidance for the Solent: Water Based RecreationSolent Forum2011
SolentSolent Science - A ReviewSolent Forum2000.
UKMarine and Coastal Consents Guide: Edition 4Solent ForumComplete 2012.
Solent Solent Plastics Pollution HubSolent ForumOngoing
Solent Coastal Communities Adapting to Change (CCATCH - the Solent)Solent ForumComplete.
SolentSolent Disturbance and Mitigation Project: Phase I reportSolent ForumComplete.
Solent Paddlesport Guidelines to Avoid Bird Disturbance in Solent Marine SitesSolent ForumPublished 2016.
SolentState of the Solent: Recreation and tourism indicatorsSolent ForumPublished 2011.
Solent Solent Disturbance & Mitigation Project: Phase III, Mitigation ReportSolent ForumComplete 2013.
SolentSolent Science - A reviewSolent Forum2000
SolentSolent Disturbance and Mitigation Project Phase II: Predicting the impact of human disturbance on overwintering birds in the SolentSolent Forum2012
SolentState of the Solent - Ed 1Solent Forum2001
SouthamptonStrategic Guidance for the Solent: Environmental QualitySolent ForumPublished 2013.
Solent Beneficial Use of Dredge Sediment in the Solent (BUDs Solent)Solent Forum
Solent The economic contribution of the Maritime Sector in the Solent LEPSolent LEPPublished 2022.
Solent Charting the course to a brighter future: Maritime UK Solent Recovery PlanSolent LEPPublished 2021.
SolentSolent European Marine Sites Annual Management ReportSolent Marine SitesLast report published 2017.
Solent The Bait Collector's CodeSolent Marine Sites
Solent Bird Aware SolentSolent Recreation Mitigation PartnershipOnline web resource.
Solent Solent Recreation Mitigation StrategySolent Recreation Mitigation PartnershipPublished Dec 2017
Solent Solent Seascape Project YouTube ChannelSolent Seascape ProjectOngoing
SouthamptonA Clean Air Strategy for Southampton 2016-2025Southampton City CouncilOngoing to 2025
Hamble EstuaryTips for using sacrificial anodesSouthampton Solent UniversityPublished 2018.
Solent Microplastics in the Solent estuarine complex, UK: An initial assessmentSouthampton Solent UniversityPublished 2016.
SoutheastRegional Habitat Compensation ProgrammeSouthern Coastal group/SCOPAC
SoutheastSCOPAC Storm Analysis StudySouthern Coastal group/SCOPACPublished 2021.
Solent Quaternary History of the SolentSouthern Coastal group/SCOPACCompleted.
UKManagement of Inshore Marine Protected Areas by the IFCAs 2011 to 2018 Southern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation AuthorityPublished 2019.
Solent Hand Gathering FisheriesSouthern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation AuthorityOngoing online resource.
Solent Marine Protected Areas Assessments Southern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation AuthorityComplete.
UKManagement of Inshore Marine Protected Areas by the IFCAs 2011 to 2018 Southern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation AuthorityPublished 2019.
Solent SIFCA Current ProjectsSouthern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation AuthorityDetails of current projects.
Solent SIFCA Research and Evidence PlanSouthern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority
Solent Research and Evidence ReportsSouthern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation AuthorityOngoing.
Solent Key species profiles in the Southern IFCA DistrictSouthern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation AuthorityOngoing.
SoutheastSouthern Water Rivers and Seas ServiceSouthern WaterOngoing.
Isle of WightThe Solent - Isle of Wight pathfinder projectSouthern WaterOngoing to 2025.
SoutheastSouthern Water's Plastics PolicySouthern WaterPublished 2018
SoutheastNatural Capital in our CatchmentsSouthern WaterPublished 2024.
SoutheastClimate Change Adaptation Report, 2024Southern WaterPublished 2025.
SoutheastClean Rivers and Seas PlanSouthern WaterOngoing.
SoutheastUnflushables CampaignSouthern WaterOngoing.
Solent Sussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority Species GuideSussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation AuthorityOnline web resource.
SussexMPAs in Sussex IFCAs area of jurisdictionSussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation AuthorityOngoing resource.
Solent Sussex Inshore Fisheries & Conservation Authority Nearshore Trawling ByelawSussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation AuthorityPublished 2021.
Solent Recreational Sea Angling (RSA) Information on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)Sussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation AuthorityPublished 2017.
Solent Impact of bait collecting in Poole Harbour and other estuaries within the Southern IFCA DistrictSussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority2013.
Chichester HarbourA valuation of the Chichester Harbour Provisioning Ecosystem Services provided by shellfishSussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation AuthorityPublished 2018
West SussexHand Gathering Byelaw, 2021Sussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority
SussexSussex IFCA Research and ScienceSussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation AuthorityOngoing.
SussexSussex Kelp RecoverySussex Kelp RecoveryOngoing.
UKSeagrassThe Green Blue2010
UKGreen Blue Wildlife Awareness VideosThe Green BluePublished 2018
UKThe Green Guide to Anchoring and MooringsThe Green BluePublished 2020.
UKThe Green Guide to Coastal BoatingThe Green BluePublished 2017.
UKEnvironmental Legal RegisterThe Green BluePublished 2021.
Isle of WightSeagrove Bay coast protection scheme environment statementThe Isle of Wight Centre for the Coastal Environment2005
UKCoastal Data ExplorerThe Rivers TrustOngoing
SoutheastIndustry InsightsTourism South EastOngoing
UKMarine Climate Change Impacts hub UK Climate Impacts Programme
UKUK Marine ProjectionsUK Climate Impacts ProgrammePublished 2018.
UKClimate change and the UK marine leisure industryUK Climate Impacts ProgrammeCompleted 2014.
Solent Quantification of Microplastics in Populations of Ostrea edulis in the SolentUniversity of PortsmouthCompleted 2017.
Solent Deimos Space UK: Sediment Disturbance Project (bait collection impacts)University of Portsmouth2021
Solent The Rapid Reduction of Nutrients in Transitional Waters (RaNTrans)University of Portsmouth
Solent University of Portsmouth Bait Collection PapersUniversity of PortsmouthOngoing work.
SolentThe reproductive processes of a wild population of the European at oyster, Ostrea edulis in the Solent, UK University of SouthamptonComplete 2012.
UKCoastal FloodingUniversity of SouthamptonPublished 2017.
SolentScoping Study: Site analysis for potential beneficial dredge spoil use for restoration and recharge of intertidal soft sediment resources within the Solent. University of SouthamptonCompleted 2010.
UKSurgewatchUniversity of SouthamptonOngoing.
SolentCoastal Flooding in the Solent: An Integrated Analysis of Defences and InundationUniversity of SouthamptonComplete 2012.
UKGovernance Structures for MPAs toolkitWorld Wildlife FundPublished 2017.