The Solent Forum

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Record Detail

TitleSouthampton Harbour Byelaws
AuthorABP Southampton
TopicPorts, Harbours and Shipping
Year of CompletionSubject to ongoing revision.
RegionSouthampton Water
AbstractAssociated British Ports in exercise of the powers conferred by section 83 of the Harbours, Docks & Piers Clauses Act 1847 (incorporated by section 4 of the British Transport Docks Act 1964 and applied by section 51 of that Act), section 53 of the Southampton Harbour Act 18632, sections 52 and 53 of the British Transport Docks Act 1964, section 16 of the British Transport Docks Act 1972 and of all other powers it enabling3, hereby make the following Byelaws.
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data holderABP Southampton