The Solent Forum

Working in partnership for the future

Record Detail

TitleUse of beneficial dredge materials in the South inshore and offshore marine plan areas (MMO 1073)
Year of CompletionComplete Sep 2014.
StatusCompleted 2014.
AbstractThis report has developed data and maps to describe existing sites of coastal works (replenishment, defence, creation), and future sites of requirement, to highlight the opportunity for beneficial use of dredge materials in the South marine plan areas. The report has maps of current beneficial use sites, explores potential future sites and considers the challenges and limitations to this type of activity. The evidence will assist with developing supporting text, a map, or a policy for the South marine plans that promotes holistic, integrated and sustainable management of the marine area.
How to AccessView the report.
Use ConstraintsNo known restrictions, contact data holder.
data holderMarine Management Organisation