The Solent Forum

Working in partnership for the future

Record Detail

TitleThe status of Habitats Directive Annex I saltmarsh habitats, transition zones and Spartina species in England (NECR185)
AuthorNatural England
TopicHabitats and Species
Year of Completion2015.
AbstractThis project aims to provide an inventory and description of Annex I saltmarsh habitats and transitional vegetation in England. This will help to update future reporting on conservation status. The outcomes will also help improve understanding of the underpinning processes which can be used in design to improve the potential for recreating these elements of saltmarshes as part of intertidal restoration schemes. The project also provides an up to date assessment of Spartina alterniflora stands in the Solent SAC through review and field survey for 2012.
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data holderNatural England