The Solent Forum
Working in partnership for the future
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About the Forum
Aims and Objectives
Business Plan and Work Programme
Business plan 2025 to 2030
What do we do
Where are we
Who are we
The Solent
Our Coastal Zone
Coastal Processes
Harbours and Estuaries
Human Use
Landforms and morphology
Landscapes and Seascape
Water Quality
Waves and Tides
Weather and Climate
Our Economy and Industries
Defence Interests
Energy Resources
Leisure Marine
Marine Aggregates
Marine Research
Petrochemical Industry
Recreation and Tourism
Shipping and Cruising
Our Heritage
Boating history
Defence Heritage
Famous People
Historic Settlements
Naval History
Protected areas
Shipping History
Submerged Landscapes
Our Biodiversity
Our Changing Coast
Climate change
Coastal Squeeze
New developments
Sea-level change
Shoreline evolution
Enjoying the Solent
Be Safe
Enjoy Nature
Getting Around the Solent
Go Angling
Take to the Water
Visiting the Beach
Visit Places of Interest
Walking and Cycling
Managing Our Coast
Coastal Governance
Coastal Partnerships
Ecological ehancement
Marine Consents
Plans and Strategies
Protected Areas
Networking Forums & Events
Anniversary Celebrations
Solent matters conference
Bi-Annual Solent Forum Members Meetings
Natural Environment Group (NEG)
Solent European Marine Sites (SEMS) Scheme of Management
Services & Projects
Consultancy Services
Current Projects
Beneficial Use of Dredgings in the Solent (BUDS) project
Solent Plastics Pollution hub
Get involved
Event calendar
Find a group
Health and safety
Take part
Inspire behaviour
Litter pick resources
Solent initiatives
Waste disposal
Tackling plastics and litter
Information hubs
Biodiversity & Marine Net Gain
Blue carbon
Building Biodiversity into Infrastructure
Case studies
Clean Solent Shores and Seas
Amenity and Public Health
River basin management plans
Non native species
Oil pollution
Polluting contaminants
Ports and Industry
Species and Habitats
Habitat restoration
Marine planning
Natural capital
Solent Catchment Hub
Solent nature recovery
Solent lnrs workshop
Latest News
Member services
Coastal funding opportunities
Professor Mike Clark Award
Solent news service
Solent to sussex bay seascape restoration inventory
Partnership Projects & Opportunities
Greater solent project tracker
Itchen plastic partnership
Partnership working opportunities
Sea the value
Solent research needs
Solent water quality and boating
Three harbours
Water quality and habitat restoration
Past Solent Forum projects
Championing coastal coordination
Coastal Communities Adapting to Change (CCATCH - the Solent)
Royal victoria
Solent breezes
Enhancing stakeholder engagement
Southampton Water Opportunity Mapping
Library & Forum Publications
Coastal consents guide
1. Works and Development Matrix
2. Consent Details
3. Assessments
4. Designations
5. Marine and Land Use Planning
6. Other Considerations
7. Consents Directory
Past publications
Habitat info pack
Science conference
State of the Solent
Strategic guidance
Solent biosecurity planning
Biosecurity action plans
Eastern harbours
Isle of wight
National Evidence Needs
Southampton water
Legislation and policy
Links and resources
Coastal and Marine Infrastructure
Commercial Vessels
Habitat and species restoration
Solent Marine Invasives
Hull biofouling
Solent Information Database
Solent news
Membership Information
Apply to join
Data protection
Membership Benefits
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Section 7. Consents Directory
Contact Details of Solent Organisations and Agencies
For contact details of Solent local authorities, harbour authorities and government agencies, please use the
Solent Forum Members Directory
For Solent based research and reports, visit our
Solent Information Database
Links for National Organisations and Agencies
Crown Estate
Defra Marine Pages
Environment Agency
Health and Safety Executive
Historic England
UK Hydrographic Office
Joint Nature Conservation Committee
Maritime and Coastguard Agency
Marine Management Organisation (MMO) - Marine Licensing
Marine Management Organisation (MMO) - Marine Planning
Natural England
Planning Portal
Southern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority
Sussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority
Solent European Marine Sites (SEMS)
Trinity House
Useful Documents
For local planning documents visit the website of the relevant local authority, use the
Solent Forum Directory
for their contact details
Defra data app gallery
that provides an easy interface for accessing a range of coastal and marine information.
The Green Blue Environmental Legal Register
Environmental Permitting Regulations (England and Wales) 2010
Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009
North Solent Shoreline Management Plan
Isle of Wight Shoreline Management Plan
Hurst Spit to Durlston Head Shoreline Management Plan
Beachy Head to Selsey Bill Shoreline Management Plan
MMO Licensing Impact Assessments
MMO Marine Licences
South East River Basin Management Plan
Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (England and Wales) Regulations
South Marine Plans
UK Marine Policy Statement
Water Framework Directive (WFD)
Wildlife License (MMO)
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