The Solent Forum

Working in partnership for the future

Coastal News

Solent Marine Sites Annual Survey 2024

Posted 17/06/2024 14:23

We have now published the SEMS Annual Survey Report, 2024. The SEMS Annual Management Report is being prepared for a summer 2024 consultation.

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3Cs Funding - deadline 20 June

Posted 10/05/2024 10:02

The Expression of Interest (EOI) for the 2024/2025 Championing Coastal Coordination (3C's) funding round is now open. This is the final confirmed round of funding for the 3C's.

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Osborne Bay VNAZ

Posted 08/03/2024 09:21

Recreational activity surveys (undertaken as part of ReMEDIES) have identified the seagrass bed at Osborne Bay to face heightened levels of pressure from anchoring activity.

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Solent Forum Annual Report 2023/4

Posted 01/03/2024 11:55

We have published our Annual Report for 2023/4. Find out what we have done over this period and our forward plans for 2024/5.

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Biodiversity Net Gain - Summary of Intertidal Differences

Posted 16/02/2024 15:18

Natural England have published a paper on Biodiversity Net Gain - Summary of Intertidal Differences.

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Shoreline Management Plan Explorer Launched

Posted 01/02/2024 15:41

Local authorities and the Environment Agency have led the development of these plans, working together in regional Coastal Groups.

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Solent News Issue 55 Published

Posted 09/01/2024 14:07

We have now published Solent News issue 55 that provides a round up of news around the Solent over the last six months. The next issue will be published in summer 2024.

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Government Response to Marine Net Gain consultation

Posted 11/12/2023 16:56

In June 2022, Defra published its consultation on the principles of MNG. This consultation confirmed strong support from a wide range of stakeholders for the principles of MNG and for the government to continue developing the detail of the policy. View the government response.

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Southern Water Clean Rivers and Seas Plan

Posted 17/11/2023 16:10

Southern Water have produced a map which is an initial plan to ensure all its storm overflows meet the Government’s Storm Overflows Discharge Reduction Plan targets.

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