The Solent Forum

Working in partnership for the future

Yarmouth Harbour

Name and address of organisation YARMOUTH HARBOUR COMMISSIONERS
The Quay
Isle of Wight PO41 0NT

Tel. No. (01983) 760321

Main contact

Tim Adams, Chief Executive Officer/Commissioner/Harbour Master
Susan Hawley, Estuaries Officer

Type of organisation Harbour Authority and Trust Port
Terms of reference

Yarmouth Harbour is a Trust port and Statutory Harbour Authority, run by Yarmouth Harbour Commissioners (YHC). The harbour’s jurisdiction extends from the Causeway at Freshwater to the seaward limits as described in the 2011 Harbour Revision Order.

Yarmouth Harbour Commissioners work to manage, develop, and operate the port facilities and services responsibly for the sustainable economic growth of the harbour and prosperity of the Isle of Wight and in particular the West Wight area, whilst preserving the natural beauty, character, and charm of the surrounding environment. Yarmouth Harbour aims to be the destination of choice for yachtsmen visiting the Solent and to satisfy the needs and exceed the expectations of resident berth holders and of all other customers and stakeholders.

Membership Board of nine Commissioners.
Geographical Area Yarmouth Harbour and the River Yar as far as the Causeway, Freshwater.
Publications Visitors’ Guide - published annually
Annual Reports
Notices to Mariners
General Directions
Relevant projects/initiatives Numerous and ongoing, please contact the Harbourmaster for further information.
  • Solent Harbour Masters’ Association
  • British Marine Federation
  • British Ports Association
  • Isle of Wight Marine Federation