The Solent Forum

Working in partnership for the future

Portsmouth City Council

Name and address of organisation PORTSMOUTH CITY COUNCIL
(City Planning Department)
Civic Offices
Guildhall Square

Tel No: (02392) 822251
Fax No: (02392) 828441

Main contacts

Gemma Jephcott
, Tel: 023 92 834699.

Type of organisation City Council - Local Authority
Terms of reference
  • Statutory duties as Unitary Authority under Local Government Acts.
  • Statutory duties as the Unitary Planning Authority under the Town and Country Planning Acts and other delegated legislation.
Membership 42 City Council Members.
Geographical Area Total 4,027 ha.

The administrative boundary takes in Portsmouth Harbour and part of Langstone Harbour.

Publications View publications.
Relevant projects/initiatives

The City Council is affiliated to SCOPAC and the Solent Water Quality Conference.