The Solent Forum

Working in partnership for the future

Lymington Harbour Commissioners

Name and address of organisation Lymington Harbour Commissioners
Harbour Office
Bath Road
Hampshire SO41 3SE

Tel. No. (01590) 672014
Fax No. (01590) 671823


Main contacts Ryan Willegers, Harbour Master/Chief Executive
Type of organisation Trust Port
Terms of reference By the powers conferred under the "Pier and Harbour Order (Lymington) Confirmation Act 1951, and The Lymington Harbour Revision (Constitution) Order 2002.

To manage the Lymington River and the Harbour as a small trust port in accordance with the Lymington Harbour Orders of 1951 to 2002.

The Commissioners will seek to exercise their authority in a manner which is consistent with the special environmental character of the area while maximising the safe use of the harbour and its enjoyment by both commercial and leisure users.

Membership There are ten Commissioners appointed under the new constitution as per the 2002 Order.
Geographical Area Lymington Harbour extending to Jack in the Basket in the Western Solent.
Publications Annual Report
Annual Harbour Guide
Relevant projects/initiatives New Pontoon Moorings - to replace those lost because of eroding saltmarshes.
Harbour Protection project - needed as saltmarshes erode.
  • Solent Harbour Masters’ Association
  • British Ports Association