The Solent Forum

Working in partnership for the future

Langstone Harbour Board

Name and address of organisation LANGSTONE HARBOUR BOARD
Ferry Road
Hayling Island
Hampshire PO11 0DG
Main contact Billy Johnson, Harbour Master

Tel. No. 023 9246 3419
Fax: 023 9246 7144

Type of organisation Statutory Harbour Authority
Terms of reference The Board was constituted in 1962 through the Pier and Harbour Order (Langstone Harbour) Confirmation Act 1962. The Langstone Harbour Board meet five times a year and meetings are open to the public. There is a statutory Advisory Committee made up of stakeholders representing a wide range of harbour activities and external organisations, including marine and conservation interests. The Advisory Committee meet one week prior to each Board meeting and consider the Board agenda.
Membership The Board comprises
6 elected members from Portsmouth City Council
6 elected members from Havant Borough Council
1 elected member from Hampshire County Council and
2 members of the Advisory Committee
Geographical Area The harbour comprises some 4,800 acres with 15 miles of coastline between Portsea and Hayling Islands.
Affiliations The Board is a member of the British Ports Association.