The Solent Forum

Working in partnership for the future

Fareham Borough Council

Name and address of organisation FAREHAM BOROUGH COUNCIL
P O Box 82
Civic Offices
Civic Way
PO16 7PU
Tel. No. 01329 236100
Fax No. 01329 821443
Main contact

Linda Jewell, Head of Strategic Planning and Design

Email: LJewell@Fareham.Gov.UK

Type of organisation Borough Council
Terms of reference Local Planning Authority
Coast Protection Authority (Coast Protection Act 1949).
Membership 31 elected members.
Geographical Area Whole of Fareham Borough Administrative area, including coastline from Warsash to Hill Head, and Fareham to Portchester.
Publications View publications.
Relevant projects/initiatives  
Affiliations SCOPAC - (Associate member).