The Solent Forum

Working in partnership for the future

Chichester Harbour Conservancy


1. Name and address of organisation CHICHESTER HARBOUR CONSERVANCY
The Harbour Office
West Sussex PO20 7AW

Tel. No. 01243 512301
Fax. No. (01243) 513026

2. Main contact

Siún Cranny, Director
Richard Craven, Harbour Master
Alison Fowler, AONB Manager

3. Type of organisation Statutory Harbour Authority with the additional powers of a County Council for nature conservation, recreation, landscape etc., in a designated amenity area.
4. Terms of reference The Conservancy is an independent statutory (public) body created by the Chichester Harbour Conservancy Act, 1971 for the management of Chichester Harbour and an amenity area of land surrounding, broadly co-terminus with the Chichester Harbour Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
5. Membership The Conservancy Committee consists of 15 members appointed by Hampshire and West Sussex County Councils, Chichester District Council, Havant Borough Council and the Advisory Committee. The Conservancy is advised by a separate committee of 15 members appointed by the Conservancy to represent the interests of users of the harbour. This committee is known as the Advisory Committee and has statutory recognition within the provisions of the Chichester Harbour Conservancy Act 1971.
6. Geographical Area The defined limits of the harbour and amenity area include the eastern side of Hayling Island from Eastoke Point to Langstone ruined rail bridge, western shores of Chichester Channel from East Head to Fishbourne Mill on the Sussex side of the harbour plus all waters contained therein.
7. Publications View publications.
8. Relevant projects/initiatives Study into the effects of commercial bait digging, tri-ennial traffic census (study) and the writing of an integrated environmental recreation management plan in association with English Nature and the Sports Council.
9. Affiliations
  • Associate Membership of SCOPAC
  • Membership of British Ports Association
  • Close liaison with all environmental bodies statutory and otherwise.