The Solent Forum

Working in partnership for the future

Chichester District Council


Name and address of organisation Chichester District Council
East Pallant House
East Pallant
West Sussex PO19 1TY

Tel. No. 01243 785166
Fax No. 01243 534558

Solent Forum
Tom Day
Type of organisation Local Authority
Terms of reference Local Planning Authority: Policy Planning and Development Control,
Coastal Protection Authority: Sea Defence and Coastal Zone Management,
Tourism: Leisure and Tourism Promotion,
Environmental Health Authority
Membership Elected Members.
Geographical Area Chichester District
Publications Please see publications list.
Relevant projects/initiatives SEMS, ESPACE Manhood Peninsula case study, Manhood Peninsula Partnership, East Solent Shoreline Management Plan.
  • Solent Water Quality Conference
  • East Solent Coastal Group
  • Solent Nature Conservation Group