The Solent Forum

Working in partnership for the future

Biosecurity Pathways 

Boating pathways
Boating Pathways

There are various routes that marine invasive species can arrive by and spread and these are termed 'pathways'. During stakeholder workshops held in the Solent in 2023 discussions identified key pathways in the Solent. For some of these pathways there is already lots of great information for people to use and we have linked this information in as appropriate. For other pathways there is currently very limited information or guidance available and we need to raise this as a national evidence gap/research needs/information requirements.  Our biosecurity action plans set out what actions organisations in the Solent can take to address the marine invasive risks associated with these pathways. We also have a separate page on national evidence gaps, research needs and information requirements.

Please select the following pathways of relevance to you, it is likely that there will be more than one pathway, for example, marina operators and harbours may need to look at the recreation, coastal and marine infrastructure and commercial vessel sections. 

Solent Pathways

What is Biosecurity?

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