The Solent Forum

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Record Detail

TitleLyme Bay - A Case-study: Measuring the effects of benthic species and assessing potential - MB0101
AuthorCommissioned by Defra
TopicMarine Protected Areas
Year of CompletionCompleted 2012.
AbstractOn 11th July 2008, 10% of Lyme Bay was declared a Marine Protected area and permanently closed off to scallop dredging and bottom trawling. This project aims to monitor the effects of the MPA, specifically to quantify the recovery of benthic communities using a number of focal/indicator species; to quantify and assess any potential affects to the scallop population; & to assess any socio-economic consequences of the closure and associated activity restrictions.
How to AccessAvailable on the Defra Science Pages.
Use Constraints
data holderDepartment for Environment Food & Rural Affairs