The Solent Forum

Working in partnership for the future

Record Detail

TitleMarine aggregate dredging 1998-2012: A fifteen-year review
AuthorThe Crown Estate/BMAPA
TopicAggregate dredging
Year of CompletionComplete 2014.
StatusComplete 2014.
AbstractThis report provides a fifteen-year overview of an initiative launched in 1999 to assess the dredging footprint of the UK marine aggregate industry. It reflects the commitment made by both the industry and The Crown Estate to review on an annual basis both dredging activity and licence areas and to surrender those areas no longer containing economic sand and gravel resources. Over fifteen years, the ‘Area Involved’ initiative has generated high-quality, high resolution data, analysis of which provides valuable environmental performance indicators for the marine aggregate sector. The reporting of dredging activity is made possible by an Electronic Monitoring System, developed by The Crown Estate and industry, and required on all vessels dredging in licensed areas.
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data holderCrown Estate