The Solent Forum

Working in partnership for the future

Record Detail

TitleSocial impacts and interactions between marine sectors (MMO 1060)
TopicMarine Planning
Year of Completion2014.
StatusCompleted 2014.
AbstractEvidence on the social impacts of marine sectors, and on the social impacts of their interaction, is limited. There are a growing number of research projects on this topic particularly linked to the ecosystem services paradigm. However this is largely through economic-ecology research, with a particular focus on economic valuation. There appears to be less research using more qualitative methods despite the need for it. This project set out to provide the MMO with a body of evidence on social impacts through an assessment of interactions within and between sectors listed in the Marine Policy Statement (MPS). The evidence gathering aimed to cover how positive and negative impacts are distributed between sectors to allow assessment of the social pillar of sustainable development in terms of gains and losses, and where possible geographically between inshore, offshore, the coast and land. The report was published on 26 August 2014.
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data holderMarine Management Organisation